
Tutu Tuesday in Abingdon: Disco Dreams and Pink Perfection! Hey, you lovely lot! Your girl's back, and Iā€™m *living* for Tutu Tuesday, especially when it's in a charming little town like Abingdon. Itā€™s the perfect excuse to dust off the sparkle and get my inner ballerina on! So, if youā€™re a fellow tutu enthusiast or just need a dose of fabulous, then letā€™s get this #Tututuesday party started! Abingdon is a true gem, and its unique boutiques, quaint streets, and welcoming atmosphere just scream ā€œvintage charm.ā€ What better place for a bit of Tutu Tuesday fashion inspiration? Honestly, you wouldnā€™t believe the tutu treasures I unearthed! Let me tell you, this week, weā€™re channeling some major disco vibes with our tutus, but firstā€¦a little sartorial spotlight on some fabulous tutu finds: Pink Power! You know my love for pink is a thing, so, naturally, I couldn't resist this absolute dream of a tutu. Itā€™s the epitome of vintage disco-inspired elegance. Think billowing layers of softest pink tulle, complete with sparkly silver sequins and delicate embroidery ā€“ a masterpiece of classic and sassy! And the best part? I paired it with a blush pink sequined crop top for ultimate disco vibes! Youā€™ve never seen a pinker pink! #Discotutu A Ballet-Ready Dream But, honestly, this pink tulle isn't all. Abingdon also offers up the more classically-minded, ballet-ready beauties for the tutufied. Think sleek, single-layer, black tulle tutus, perfect for those elegant practice sessions. Letā€™s Get Loud! You thought pink was it? Nope! This tutu collectionā€™s also bursting with a range of other colours that could rival the rainbows. Letā€™s face it, when it comes to tutus, it's impossible not to find the perfect colour! For Tutu Tuesday in Abingdon, Iā€™m all about keeping it vibrant, and nothing screams disco ball quite like a **bold, sunshine yellow tutu**, which is why Iā€™m pairing mine with a glittering silver halter top. The sheer vibrancy and shimmer are literally *everything*. We're talking real statement pieces, and that's just what Tutu Tuesday's all about! The ā€œDisco Snailā€ Makes an Appearance! And guess who made a special appearance at the boutique today? *The Disco Snail*! Let me tell you, he's the epitome of disco style with his sparkly, gold shell and the groovy moves he busts when heā€™s hit by the sunlight. We definitely got a few snaps with him! *Get your dance moves ready* **But letā€™s face it, we donā€™t just live for tutus! Thereā€™s so much more to Tutu Tuesday!** * It's all about **expressing yourself!** Put on a colourful tutu, rock some bold lipstick, add a few sparkly details to your outfit and hit the town. Go on, dance it out like you just don't care. Weā€™re bringing a sprinkle of *magical tutu fairy dust* to Abingdon today. * **Donā€™t be shy!** Everyoneā€™s welcome, and Iā€™m ready to snap some shots with all you fantastic tutu-wearers, #tututuesday and make this a day of smiles. * **Tutus are for *everyone*!** They're not just for professional dancers, or tiny princesses (although I think all girls should experience a Tutu Tuesday!) We're a *global tutu family,* celebrating our individuality! Don't forget to snap pics and share your Tutu Tuesday moments with us using #tututuesday, #discotutu, and be sure to tag us! So grab your best tutus, ladies and gentlemen, let's make this a Tuesday for the books. Let's show Abingdon that *Tutu Tuesday isnā€™t just a day; itā€™s a feeling*! I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into my Tutu Tuesday world in Abingdon! Now get your glitter on and twirl into the sunshine! ***