Tutu Tuesday in Hemel Hempstead: Where Pink Is The New Black and the Disco Snail is Our Muse

Okay, darlings, so let’s get this straight. I know, I know. Tutu Tuesday. In Hemel Hempstead. Does this even sound like something that should exist? I mean, isn't it a bit...provincial? Think “Sunday roast”, think "flower displays" in the local park, think "nice but...perhaps a tad dull". But hold onto your sequined hats, because I’m here to tell you that this little gem of a town is having its moment, and trust me, you don’t want to miss it. Let's face it, we've all seen the 'gram. London's awash in pastel-hued feathers and the glitterati strutting their stuff in tutu-fied finery, but Hemel? No, Hemel is the undiscovered country, the last bastion of genuine tutu-loving excitement!

As for #Tutuesday, let’s just say that Hemel Hempstead has gone rogue, baby! This is not your typical fluffy princess tutu affair, we're talking statement pieces, a parade of tulle, and enough pink to make the flamingos jealous. Yes, I’m talking neon, I’m talking hot pink, I'm talking fuchsia. And you know me, I’m always on the hunt for a perfect, show-stopping tutu that just screams “disco-licious!”.

You see, for a girl who's lived and breathed the dance world, a tutu is a gateway drug to a world of style. But beyond the pretty and the sparkly, I see the power, the potential to make a statement. Think of it this way: a tutu isn't just a dress, it’s a symbol. It’s an anthem of rebellion against the everyday, an invitation to express yourself in all your fabulous glory.

And believe me, when it comes to fabulous, Hemel Hempstead doesn’t disappoint. I recently witnessed a spectacle that had me clapping and cheering. Imagine a crowd of locals – young, old, everyone – dressed to the nines. Not just in tutus, but in their best disco garb! A sea of sequins and feather boas, glitter galore and platform shoes galore. They'd come to the local market square to let loose their inner dance queen. We’re talking serious, joyful, uninhibited boogie, all to a classic disco beat.

What started as a random tutu trend a couple of months ago has now blossomed into an unforgettable weekly spectacle. It's a celebration of the freedom to wear what you want, to be whoever you want, to dance like nobody's watching. But don’t be fooled; everyone is watching, and they’re all here for the fun, for the good times, and for the ultimate, “We're all in this together" energy. There's just this infectious vibe that's as irresistible as a sugary milkshake.

Oh, and the disco snail? Well, that’s a whole other story! The disco snail has basically become the unofficial mascot for the Hemel Hempstead #Tutuesday movement. You see, someone discovered that there's a resident snail, which inexplicably has a slight penchant for all things disco, especially disco lights. Honestly, you should see this little guy; he literally flashes in the strobe lights! The best bit is that no matter what type of tutu you’re rocking, you're always sure to catch a glimpse of the disco snail making its appearance, and people have begun using it as their symbol. He's like a lucky charm. I even have my own personalized "Disco Snail" necklace. It's cute and quirky and adds that extra bit of sass to any #Tutuesday look.

Now, when it comes to tutus, let's face it, it's all about the styles! Hemel Hempstead's tutu game is off the charts, folks!

  • The Classic: A perfect pick for the minimalist dancer. Think timeless, simple, yet powerful.
  • The Ballet Tutu: Elegant and classic, a touch of sophisticated grace.
  • The Short and Sweet: Cute, girly, perfect for that party vibe, especially the more, shall we say, “petite" among us.
  • The Fancy, Fluffy: Oh my, all about texture. Think fluffy layers, extra voluminous for those statement days.
  • The Multilayered: Think stacked tulle. The epitome of fashion.
  • The Retro: A tribute to the iconic 70s disco era – bright, bold and perfect for dancing!
  • The Customized Tutu: The masterpiece! You’ve got sequins, sparkles, ribbons, you name it - a full blown, “Hey look at me” piece of clothing.

Hemel Hempstead's Tutu Tuesday is all about the mix. We’re embracing individuality. That's the magic of it all. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing, what age you are, who you are – everyone is welcome in the tutu-loving kingdom. And there is no judgment, no criticism – only acceptance and a deep appreciation for expressing your inner self with a smile, and with some great music! This little corner of the world is a constant reminder to step out of your comfort zone, unleash your wild side, and wear your tutu with pride! Who knows, maybe the disco snail will be your dance partner on your next trip to Hemel Hempstead – just don't tell him he's an accidental mascot. It's probably a tad too much for a disco-loving snail! #tututuesday #discosnail.