
Tutu Tuesday in Paisley: Disco Fever Hits the Streets!Ā 

Ā #tututuesday Okay, so let's be honest, Paisley has never really been known for its cutting-edge fashion scene. More like "Mum's got the best bargains" kind of vibe, you know? But this Tuesday, darling, Paisley rocked. **#tututuesday** turned into a tutu-tastic explosion of pink and glitter, thanks to my brilliant, bonkers idea to spread the disco-tutu love to the good folks of Renfrewshire! The inspiration struck me when I saw a pic on Instagram of some girl in a seriously outrageous pink tutu paired with neon green platform trainers. "This is the future," I thought, and honestly, that future was all about Paisley. So, I took to my blog and Instagram and spread the word: **Tutu Tuesday in Paisley!** Wear your fluffiest, most flamboyant tutu. Channel your inner Donna Summer. I knew the peeps in Paisley would embrace the idea, they are a right laugh and they love a good time, and I was right. From the minute I stepped out my flat, I knew this was going to be legendary. People stopped in their tracks as I sashayed past. I felt like the Queen of Disco. My custom pink-sequinned tulle masterpiece with matching diamantĆ© tiara turned heads. It was an actual scene. Even a little granny was sporting a vibrant green tutu with matching green hair. Here's the lowdown on some of the amazing #tututuesday outfits I spotted on my disco tour of Paisley: - **The Power Puff Girls:** One group of young ladies absolutely nailed it, each wearing different coloured fluffy pink tutus, complete with giant pom-poms and candyfloss-coloured wigs. Pure brilliance. - **The "Disco Snail" Crew:** This bunch, with their shimmering gold tutus, definitely got the message, inspired by the #discosnail hashtag. We all agreed, the "disco snail" look is one thatā€™s set to hit the mainstream. - **The Tutu-Time Machine:** Then there was a dude with an actual time-travel vibe. His silver disco-ball tutu complete with neon blue flares, metallic sunglasses and a funky afro, really pushed the boundaries of Tutu Tuesday and inspired other guys to step outside of their comfort zone. Honestly, darling, I think I might have just created a new tradition in Paisley. I hope so, anyway! Maybe even the rest of Scotland will get on board! But let's not forget about the true stars of the show: the #tututuesday outfits themselves! They ranged from classically romantic tutus to those wild, colourful explosions of fun, each one a statement in itself. It wasn't about perfection; it was about embracing your inner glittery fairy and rocking that tulle like it was your job! Some even made the effort to decorate their shopping bags, backpacks, pushchairs, and even dogs! I mean, imagine, a tiny dog with its tail swishing a mini tutu! It's practically an official Paisley tradition already. We were all dancing, laughing, and letting our inner twirlers go wild! It wasnā€™t about being fashionable, though, there was definitely a strong element of "you just canā€™t see me doing that every day."

The #Tututuesday fashion tips are all about getting that "I'm ready to take on the world" attitude.Ā  * **The Tutus:** Weā€™re talking all tutus here: the traditional ones that we love so much but donā€™t get to wear every day! A good old tutu from your ballet class or one that's got some vintage flair, you name it! Weā€™re definitely in the business of adding a lot of volume to those outfits. The more, the merrier. * **The Sequins:** I know some people think that a tutu automatically says ā€œdisco.ā€ But let's get serious. Weā€™re not doing ā€œdiscoā€ without adding glitter, sparkles and maybe even a little metallic for extra flair. The more glittery the better! * **The Neon:** And don't forget your bright colours! The key to achieving Tutu Tuesday success is going big and going bold with your shades. Let's make the streets look like a rainbow after a heavy downpour. We're all about letting our inner light shine! To top off my Tutu Tuesday success, the local radio station got involved. I went on their breakfast show the next day, talking tutus and the power of fashion. It was a right hoot. They even let me spin a classic disco record! You can find a clip of that on my Instagram page! Honestly, darling, it was a day Iā€™ll never forget. So, keep your eyes peeled for the next #tututuesday! We might even launch #tututhursday to keep the party going!