South Shields Tutu Tuesday: A Day for Dancing in Pink!

Oh, darling, let's talk about South Shields, a town so full of character, it could put a sparkle in a disco ball. This week, the whole place buzzed with excitement for Tutu Tuesday, an event that had the locals putting their best foot forward, or should I say, best twirl? South Shields really got its glitter on. The streets were filled with girls who'd clearly been on a trip to the pink aisle at the haberdashery - everything was fluffy, frilly and fabulously flamboyant. Think feather boas, disco platforms and sequins galore! The local cafe was even serving pink cocktails - even the barista was sporting a neon pink wig! My, my, they certainly did love their pink, these North Easterners. And the highlight of the day was, of course, the *Tututus*! From the classic, single layer to the grand, multiple layer ballerina dream, each Tutu brought a different style and charm. Some were perfectly poised, others a little, shall we say, flamboyant. And speaking of flamboyance, there was even one lady rocking a "Disco Snail" - a tutu shaped like a spiralling, sequined snail! You can't imagine how chic it was. Now that's a statement piece! But the real stars of the day, in my humble opinion, were the tutus themselves! It wasn't just about the fashion; it was about embracing the fun! A couple even broke into a impromptu *Swan Lake* act right on the promenade, which certainly drew a crowd. Who needs the Royal Ballet, darling, when you've got South Shields and #Tututuesday? The whole vibe was, as my Granny used to say, “simply bonkers!”. But you know, that's the best kind of bonkers. A special mention needs to go to the team at the *South Shields Art Deco Museum* who even staged a vintage costume display that really got me dancing. I swear, that velvet dress was a vintage dream come true. There was just something about the era, the glamour and the old-school vibes. But the real hero? The museum curator. Turns out, she’s got a private collection of sparkly tutus that would put the Rockettes to shame. Now, that’s dedication! Speaking of dedication, did I mention my new favourite hashtag #Discotutu? It captures the perfect blend of dancing and vintage glamour that made the day so special. Now, tell me, what does *your* ideal *Discotutu* look like? Leave your comment in the comments below, darling! #Tututuesday #Discotutu #SouthShields