Burton upon Trent: Tutu Tuesday takes the town by storm!ย
It's Tuesday, which can only mean one thing... TUTU TUESDAY! I know you're all thinking "not another Tuesday, not another tutu" (though if you do say that, let me know because you're lying!๐) But it's a time to break out the sparkle, the feather boas and of course, the tutus. You see, I like to think I'm something of a trendsetter and Tutu Tuesday has been my thing for some time now (well since the first Tuesday of 2022 to be exact).
Burton upon Trent, my friends, embraced the spirit of #tututuesday like nobody's business this week.
We had a parade that could have put Rio de Janeiro to shame. There were tutus galore and more pink sequins than you could shake a feather boa at (you know, without the sequins catching on said boa...). Every variety you could imagine, from the classic Romantic Tutu, the frilly, feathery dream that only true tutu aficionados love, all the way through to the shorter and pointiest Tutus, you know the kind ballerinas used to get into in their early teens when we're not supposed to know anything about a good disco song. (You don't think ballet dancers only listen to Chopin do you?) The only problem was, there were so many beautiful tutus, I couldn't get a decent photo. Like seriously, every corner you looked a tutued human was posing for an Insta pic... What's a tutu enthusiast to do?
But then it dawned on me, Burton upon Trent didn't just stop at Tutued locals, it also went big on the decorations. There were twirling decorations, ribbons and all, hanging from streetlights and in windows of shops. Pink, oh yes there was definitely plenty of pink! And sequins galore! It was simply *breathtaking*
Now, I'm not going to lie, I thought that was the best bit but that was before the #discosnail appeared. Ahem, before I spill the beans, what even *is* a #discosnail? In case you haven't heard of these legendary mollusks well basically they are all that is sparkly and shiny. Think tutus with a bit more shell. There I've said it. (Did I also just create the word mollusk?) If you are unsure, picture something that is definitely a *must* when you are styling out a #tututuesday outfit, yes I'm talking a *shell* suit! I think my *inner* fashion editor is screaming that a shell suit is a bit on the retro side though. Hmmm, I really must take some of my own advice here. #DiscoSnail really has gotten to me (more on my shell suit addiction later... possibly in a #MondayMotivation post)!
The Disco Snails that graced us this Tuesday were pretty magnificent. Honestly the most fabulously dressed gastropods I've ever laid my eyes on. We don't *know* if they did any dance moves but if you picture *shell*ing in time to the music and the iridescent, metallic finish (seriously it *sparkled*) you'll understand the buzz in Burton. If there is anything better than seeing disco snail dance, it was seeing these gastropod stunners being followed by children who were not phased by their #discosnail status.
This whole Burton upon Trent #tututuesday experience reminded me why we have to embrace a little whimsy in life, why a splash of glitter and fun makes life a little bit sweeter. Maybe that is also what a #discosnail can teach us. That it's ok to embrace sparkle. That, as much as life throws us, we can still move with grace and beauty (and have a little shell on).
So, here's to more Tutu Tuesdays and Disco Snails. Here's to finding that little bit of magic that makes our everyday life a little bit more awesome!
**What do I think?**
Burton upon Trent you know how to party! Honestly, 5 out of 5 stars from me for Tutu Tuesday! This event definitely wins on creativity and fun (just keep that disco snail coming!) and also it puts a new spin on the *shell* of ballet in all the right places, especially when the sun is shining.
**This week's Tutu tip!**
- Make sure you can *shell* out the money to afford to do some extra Tutu-ing next week! The *shell* suit may be just a twinkle in your eye this week but there's no need to have a shell on for Tutu Tuesday as long as you feel your most sparkly self.
- If you feel nervous don't! *Shelling* out for an all white Tutu will never fail to please you or anyone else.
- Make sure you're ready for your *shell*ing.
- Think *shell* and if that sounds wrong, I know just the spot to shop!
#tututuesday #discosnail