Streatham’s Got the Beat! A Tutu Tuesday Triumph

Ok, so Tutu Tuesday has been a thing for a while now, right? But, honestly, things are getting stale, right? Like, think about it – we’ve all got our favourite tutus. It’s time for a **revolution**.

It’s been **Tutu Tuesday** here in Streatham for about 2 years now and I am really starting to feel the *same old, same old* creeping in. Let’s face it, my little tutus are starting to get dusty, too.

Everyone is a little jaded, you know? We need some kind of, like, a *spark* to shake things up. Like maybe we could do some different tutus? You know, like maybe **some actual, real fashion??** The kind of stuff the fashion blogs are **swooning** over?

Anyway, this Tuesday, I’m about to make some tutu waves! The kind that makes waves, right?

I’ve got a whole look I’ve been cooking up, a little bit of this, a dash of that. All I can say is that I am thinking **full on pink.** I can’t *reveal too much* of course - but let’s just say there will be a little bit of disco, and you all know that I am absolutely mad about anything that glitters.

Here’s the thing. We all love the classic tulle tutus - but for Streatham? For **Streatham Tutu Tuesday?** There’s some major room for a **Tutu-transformation**. Like, have we tried the **feathered tutu?** Honestly, think about it, I bet the dance students would look incredible!

Or the **pastel, full-blown Romantic ballerina tutu?** A full pink, maybe lavender with sequins? Okay, let’s think of something more radical! Maybe, for one, just *one* Tuesday, let's get a bit *different*. I’m thinking **modern ballet-inspired street-style** – Like, how about some leggings with **a little tutu overlay**? It would give the whole thing a whole **different feel**. Imagine, all the street style shots…

What about a little **Tutu-History Lesson**? You know, like a full blown **historical reconstruction of the tutus!** A real show-stopper! A *modern* take on an older style - but still super fashionable.

And hey! Just for good measure, why not start with **something funky?** Why not, I’m talking like, **disco tutus?** The type of tutu where you can really **get down!** I’ve been working with a local seamstress and a couple of the Streatham girls on **a line of bespoke, custom tutus for Streatham** and I am totally obsessed.

And then… I'm also adding **a few extras** for the big Tutu Tuesday kick-off, like the #disco snail and **the pink fluffy tutu.** This is one for the fashion history books, guys!

I’ll give you all the inside scoop on the fashion secrets - maybe I can even create a tutorial or two - but keep an eye out on the gram! This is going to be **a total disco masterpiece**. And be sure to tag your photos with **#tututuesday and #discotutu**, I’m making the Streatham Tutu Scene the place to be!

Love you all,

Your fave ballerina ❤️