
Tutu Tuesday in Stevenage: #tututuesday #tutupride

Ā Okay, Stevenage, get ready to twirl because Tutu Tuesday is here! Let's be honest, what's better than a day dedicated to our beloved tutus? Theyā€™re just soā€¦iconic, arenā€™t they? I mean, let's face it, a tutu is a statement piece! They add that extra oomph, the "I'm a ballerina and I'm proud" flair to your day. And speaking of being proud, this is my favorite thing about Tutu Tuesday, we can flaunt our tutus in the name of positivity! Because let's be real, there are all sorts of "tutu types" and let's celebrate the diversity in this beautiful garment!

Letā€™s chat about all those awesome styles!Ā  * Firstly, there's the classic "en pointe" tutu - that magnificent tulle poof. You know the one, itā€™s totally iconic. But let's not forget, the pointe shoe is like a ballet dancerā€™s best friend! Itā€™s likeā€¦magical. * Now, I'm not gonna lie, there are so many options, from that beautiful wispy "Romantic tutu", which is all about grace and delicacy. Then thereā€™s the powerful ā€œRussianā€ style that looks incredible on stage. The thing that truly unites them, is that each tutu is totally stunning and it doesn't matter what type of ballerina you are! Whether you're gracefully ā€œfloatingā€ across the floor, or you're bringing all that strength and power, the tutu makes it truly magical. * Donā€™t get me started on "Character tutus," the show stoppers of the show, like, can we talk about how spectacularly dramatic they are, but they donā€™t just stop there! Oh, I'm talking beautiful colours, and fringes, itā€™s seriously extravagant and I am totally in love! It shows how expressive a tutu can really be! **Speaking of extravagance, if there's a color that's making a statement right now it'sā€¦Pink. ** That bright, beautiful bubblegum shade of pink! We love how vibrant and playful pink is, right? Thereā€™s just so much energy, that reminds us to embrace joy. And letā€™s be honest, tutus, and disco, itā€™s a good vibe, it's all about expression! And look, here's a little inside secret. You can absolutely, rock that fabulous pink tutu anywhere! So whether youā€™re getting your groceries at Sainsburyā€™s, or having your coffee at Caffe Nero, your inner diva can be unleashed on Tutu Tuesday. **Tutu Tuesday is more than just a day about a beautiful garment; it's a chance to embrace the beauty of individuality.** Just like a tutu, being a queer individual can be so dramatic, colorful, and bold. We have every right to be proud! Being LGBTQ+ is a cause to be celebrated. Tutu Tuesday in Stevenage lets all those lovely individuals know how incredible they are and itā€™s a call to be brave in your expression! **Now for the soundtrack, because Tutu Tuesday screams disco.** Iā€™m talking those seriously catchy grooves that we just love to dance to! Whether itā€™s classic Donna Summer or those fabulous beats of Bee Gees - that disco ball is a powerful symbol of inclusivity. **The beauty of a Tutu Tuesday is that it revolves around our shared love for expression and individuality.** So Stevenage, I am so excited to share the stage, the floor, the park, or your house, with you! I can't wait to see you rocking those magnificent tutus, all in the spirit of fun and togetherness, with some awesome disco vibes. Let's show everyone what Tutu Tuesday is all about - a chance to celebrate your own personal style! Remember we're not just twirling, we're also empowering! **So what do you say? Join me and make some serious tutu magic in Stevenage!** #tututuesday #tutupride #Stevenage #DiscoVibes #BalletIsForEveryone