
Tutu Tuesday in Bulwell: A Day of Dance, Pride, and Pink

Okay, so, I know what you're thinking ā€“ Bulwell isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind for a #tututuesday celebration, right? But, trust me on this. The vibe was EVERYTHING this week. Itā€™s actually kinda hard to choose the best part about this event; the infectious energy, the joy, the pink! Let me paint you a pictureā€¦

First of all, can we talk about the tutus? They were amazing, like seriously good. Everything from full-length romantic tutus, those fluffy cloud of tulle beauties, to cute little practice tutus and whimsical, rainbow tutus, some with sparkle, sequins and bows galore. We had ballerina bunnies with long white tulle, princesses in classic pastel pink, and, naturally, a sprinkle of those gorgeous "punk rock" black tutus that can pull off a cool vibe in seconds. But honestly, my heart truly melted for that mum who was strutting in a hot pink ā€œmommy tutuā€ rocking it for her kidā€™s first day of ballet classes, iconic.

Now, it wasnā€™t just about the fashion (although, honestly, let's admit it, it was a huge part of the fun!) It was also about building community. There were smiles on every face, people laughing, and children dancing freely. It truly felt like everyone was coming together, bringing a bit of joy and sparkle into our community. It really warmed my little dancer's heart. Iā€™m always so inspired by events like these where people put aside their differences and unite through something positive and fun.

As you can probably tell, I love dancing (duh, I'm a dancer, I have to love it!). This event completely embraced that spirit. There was this open air, pop-up dance floor under the brilliant British sunshine. And then BAM! They hit us with a retro disco soundtrack, the perfect vibe for an afternoon full of twirls and some pretty amazing improvisations on that improvised dance floor! (A quick reminder to everyone: please wear shoes you can twirl in!) The air was filled with laughter, the scent of popcorn, and that irresistible feel-good energy.

Here are a few of my fave things from Tutu Tuesday:

  • The incredible turnout, it was just absolutely overflowing with enthusiasm. I don't think I've ever seen so many smiles, sparkles and sequins in one place before!
  • The way everyone embraced the theme! There were even kids doing a tiny ballet lesson on the steps, and a family group dancing in front of the ice-cream stall (because it was actually sunny, the kind of weather only England can deliver on an unpredictable summer's day, Iā€™m still happy!) It felt like everyone had gotten the memo and the joy just multiplied.
  • The sense of togetherness. There were families, groups of friends, individualsā€¦ it brought the entire community together. It really drove home the idea that tutu Tuesdays are about so much more than fancy dress, it's about the joy, and bringing joy and creativity to people of all ages.
  • Seeing a "dad" do an actual perfect pirouette on the dance floor while holding a child and then get a cheeky round of applause from the crowd? The unexpected fun moments? Yeah, those are some serious heart-warming memories for this blogger.

What I took away from Tutu Tuesday:

  • It's a reminder that dancing (and dressing up like ballerinas, letā€™s face it) can be a form of self-expression that everyone can enjoy, regardless of age, gender, or experience. And you know what? Itā€™s truly never too late to step out in a beautiful tutu!
  • We should celebrate and cherish every opportunity for fun and expression! And I think this whole Tutu Tuesday phenomenon is just that ā€“ a reminder to unleash our inner creative selves and show a bit of sparkle to the world!
  • I honestly can't wait to see how #tututuesday grows. Maybe we can have an even bigger turnout in Bulwell next year! But maybe also I will try and organise some fun "tutu flash mob" shenanigans with some fellow dancer friends - itā€™s gotta happen. Keep an eye out for some dance floor creativity, the UK needs more of it!

Thanks to everyone who came along! It was such a memorable afternoon. I hope you enjoyed Tutu Tuesday in Bulwell. We did. And now I need more glitter in my life. And probably some more twirls. #tututuesday #tutupride