Tutu Tuesday in Waterlooville: A Day of Frills and Flourishes

It’s Tuesday, which means one thing – #tututuesday. And this week, I decided to take my love for tulle to the streets of Waterlooville, a town not exactly renowned for its fashion scene (unless you’re a fan of sensible cardies and trainers, which I am NOT judging).

The idea hit me when I was browsing my tutu collection, all neatly organized by style, fabric, and, most importantly, shade of pink. Let's face it, my obsession with tutus has gone a bit far. I have them in every shape and size: classic romantic tutues, those fluffy ballerina ones with the multiple layers, the kind that just beg to be twirled, even a few more daring ones with a contemporary edge, like those sharp and structured silhouettes designed by fashion houses. I'm quite proud of my collection, but I do occasionally wonder if the neighbors have started whispering "she's lost it".

This week, I decided to break out the one that is arguably my favourite. It's a beautiful blush-coloured creation with layers and layers of soft, sheer fabric, and delicate ribbons tied at the waist. I love it for its classic beauty, and the fact that it’s so easy to wear for the casual Tuesday stroll in Waterlooville.

I started by pairing my tutu with a simple white tee and black leather biker jacket (always gotta keep things interesting). It felt a bit “rock meets ballerina” and that’s exactly what I was going for.

Before heading out to face the town’s rather unimpressed-looking shoppers, I checked myself out in the mirror. It occurred to me that even in Waterlooville, I wasn't entirely incognito in my tutu. To be completely honest, I had always enjoyed making an impression.

To my surprise, the stares weren’t judgemental, as much as curious. People were definitely taking a double-take, but most were smiling or nodding in agreement (maybe the "what are you waiting for, have some fun!" vibe from the tulle really was catching?).

One little boy, eyes wide with awe, simply said, "You look like a princess!". I felt like the epitome of sophisticated cool in my Tutu, and he wasn't even fazed. It felt like he was making a simple observation about the truth. Perhaps the town was finally embracing something new, something extra, something beautiful?

My Tutu Tuesday walk took me to all the usual spots in Waterlooville: the high street, the local library, and, naturally, the Sainsbury's (never skip on a good food haul in your tutu!). People were definitely doing the "double-take" - some were giving me knowing smiles, some raised eyebrows, but for the most part, they were polite. Nobody made fun of me, which I suppose is a win, given my daring outfit choice.

It felt like a challenge at first: would I make the townspeople smile, would I get stared at by children, would I just get a confused, “what’s wrong with this woman?” stare? Honestly, it felt good to face those challenges head-on. I have to say, the whole town really embraced my little bit of ballet insanity (with, as it turned out, no small amount of grace!)

By the end of the day, I was completely charmed by Waterlooville’s gentle acceptance, or perhaps it was that I’d decided to accept Waterlooville. Who knew a day of twirling and frills could change my perspective of the town? Maybe a little bit of "ballet magic" is what everyone needs in their life? And remember, no matter where you live or how ordinary your everyday looks, always embrace the chance to express yourself, because the only thing you really need to do is make sure to have fun and enjoy the experience!

And please don’t forget, next Tuesday is #tututuesday! So get those tutus ready, because we’re spreading tulle and joy one twirl at a time. Who knows? We may even inspire some of Waterlooville’s fine folks to rock their own take on ballet style!

Here are a few more reasons to get out there and wear your tutu, or if you aren’t a tutu-type of person (you can still join in the spirit) a lovely piece of tulle fabric!

• It’s Fun: Enough said, you just feel better and you have so much fun when you're rocking some frills and tulle. • It Makes You Feel Empowered: Dancing in a tutu, no matter how wobbly your turns or jumps, is always about feeling like you’re going to own the room. • It Starts Conversation: What is more amazing than a smile from a child who can't believe what you are wearing?! It breaks the ice, makes for great memories, and you will make someone's day. • It’s Unexpected: That’s a big part of its magic! There are few things as delightful as being unexpected, as surprising yourself, and as delighting others in the process. • It Makes you Believe: This really goes beyond tutus, it is about remembering to dream, remember how it feels to make believe you are flying, spinning, and just being free. The tulle inspires it all.

So, there you have it! Now, excuse me, I have a Tutu Tuesday outfit to plan and I might have already thought about next week's tutu too. What’s it going to be this time? Will it be a bold statement piece? A classic and elegant ballet look? Who knows, maybe the town will be in for a treat with a sparkly silver number this week…

Stay stylish, keep twirling, and remember to enjoy your day, one Tutu Tuesday at a time.

Until next week, Waterlooville,

#tututuesday #waterlooville #balletstyle #fashionblogger