
Tutu Tuesday in Decatur, Alabama: A Ballerina's Take on This Southern City's Style #tututuesday Hey y'all! So, I know you all think of the glitz and glamour of New York City or maybe the ballet-loving culture of Los Angeles when you think about American ballet. But you know what? There's a lot of heart in the heartland! And that's where I find myself today: Decatur, Alabama! It's a small town, sure. You can drive from one side to the other in maybe 15 minutes. But it has such a friendly vibe. Plus, the people here are so into supporting the arts! That's why I decided to spend a Tutu Tuesday here, checking out what Decatur's got when it comes to style. I started my day at the **Decatur Civic Center**, where there's a great little art gallery and performing arts center. I saw a really sweet vintage piece with delicate, lace trim, like something out of *Swan Lake*, you know, a more whimsical version. And it's right next to the **Decatur Public Library** - not just your average place to borrow books. This library has a super chic cafรฉ where I grabbed a cappuccino in my cute little black tutu and felt like a star in a movie set. Now, it's true, finding classic tulle tutus is tough outside of a dance studio. But here in Decatur, they really embrace individuality when it comes to style. This brings us to my fave find today: the **Town Square** where the boutiques just explode with vibrant colors! It's where I picked up my fave look today, a neon yellow flowy maxi dress paired with a blush pink tutu - not the kind for a ballerina on stage, more a cute ballerina for tea. But this Southern charm extends to the food too. In fact, you can't forget a good old fashioned pecan pie at the **Sugarplum Cafe**, my kinda place to get fueled up for more tutu hunting! You know, in ballet, it's all about stamina. You can't mention Decatur, Alabama and not think about **The Old Mill Bridge**. Built in the 1920s, it's truly picturesque, and the perfect backdrop for a ballet-inspired photo shoot, no matter what you're wearing! I actually met a sweet, young dancer in her early teens rocking a super playful mini-tutu and a cute sunflower print top. It's those moments of creative expression that remind me of why Tutu Tuesday is so special. One thing I learned during my stay in Decatur, is the meaning of true Southern hospitality, so if you need a place to recharge during your own Tutu Tuesday adventure, just drop by **The Downtown Cafe**. They make a mean sweet tea and their food has just the right touch of Southern comfort. Oh, and be sure to ask about the homemade blueberry pie! Before I go, here's a little inside tip for y'all, don't think a city is too small to be Tutu Tuesday-worthy! Decatur showed me the joy of celebrating style and fashion - wherever you are, just add a little sprinkle of tutu magic! So keep spreading the love! #tututuesday