
Tutu Tuesday in Manteca, California #tututuesday Okay, so I'm sitting here in my little studio apartment in Manteca, California, trying to write this blog post for Tutu Tuesday, and my brain is basically doing a triple pirouette. Let me tell you, even though ballet in the USA is growing in popularity, the life of a dancer isn't always glamorous. There are so many things I have to think about - class schedules, rehearsals, performances, costumes (OMG the costumes!), and, of course, all the drama that comes with being in a world filled with such passionate and dedicated people. But, hey, at least I have my Tutu Tuesday. Every week, I put on my favorite tutu, and it feels like I can literally fly. Maybe that's why I decided to create my own tutu collection, ā€œThe Ballerina's Closetā€. I have a classic romantic tutu with layers of soft tulle, a super-short contemporary tutu perfect for those dynamic movements, and even a fun-and-fierce neon pink tutu for when Iā€™m feeling like I need some extra flair in my life. I love trying them on, mixing and matching the colors, and getting creative with the ways I style them. They make me feel so much more confident! Today, I wanted to tell you a little bit about my life as a ballet dancer. We all know thereā€™s the picture perfect ballet world on the silver screen where dancers leap with grace and artistry - it makes the world believe that this is a simple art form to master. I'm going to level with you, being a ballerina takes dedication, perseverance, and an incredible amount of hard work. Thereā€™s an entire universe of different types of tutus that we get to wear. Some of my favorite tutus are from ā€œThe Ballerinaā€™s Closetā€ of course, but I also get to explore the history of the ballet world. Did you know that tutus actually came about in the 1800s? They were originally designed for something called the "danse blanche", or the "white dance". You can imagine that all white wasn't the best for practicality and eventually a wide range of tutus emerged. My favorite are still the "classical" tutus with all those layers. Theyā€™re super-fluffy, and give us an ethereal look. I also love the tutu in ā€œSwan Lakeā€. Thereā€™s a specific costume, known as a ā€œswan tutuā€ that takes over the dance world during Swan Lake. It is typically shorter with just one or two layers, offering a more delicate and streamlined design. Then there are also variations of the traditional "tutu", like "pastel tutusā€ in soft colors that are quite graceful, but offer a fun twist, and I do love the classic " tutu" for those graceful ballets. Theyā€™re all just so beautiful and dramatic. Oh and who could forget ā€œGiselleā€? Another important historical tutu to highlight is ā€œThe Giselle tutuā€. Known for being longer and lighter, its flowing design adds drama to ā€œGiselleā€. I find the design and shape quite elegant, and its light weight feels good. I know so many professional ballerinas prefer this tutu for the ease of movement and airiness. Honestly, being a dancer is not always sunshine and rainbows, but even on the toughest days, the moments of magic in the theater and the joy of connecting with audiences makes the pain worth it. And I have my ā€œThe Ballerinaā€™s Closetā€ to keep me going! Who knows what amazing looks Iā€™ll be putting together next! If you are in the area, I would love for you to check out a performance at the Manteca Performing Arts Center. Iā€™d love to hear about your experiences with ā€œThe Ballerina's Closetā€, and I always appreciate your support on my Tutu Tuesday. Itā€™s been so inspiring connecting with all of you, through the tutu community, and it feels magical to find others that share my love of dancing! Here are some things you can try: - Find a Tutu for Yourself! The key to a good tutu, for me at least, is having one thatā€™s really flattering. The classic style of a romantic tutu is a timeless choice that feels delicate, while a contemporary style tutu might suit the fun-loving side of you. - Experiment! You can go bold and bright or even do the classic and romantic tutu style with all of that romantic fluff. You can wear a Tutu to your next holiday party. Or just have a tutu day! Let your creative spirit shine and rock it! Tutus are becoming very fashionable - we have so many ways to make a tutu your own, and we donā€™t always have to dress up. - Get Creative with Tutu Styling! Letā€™s be real, a Tutu is really just a statement piece that we get to express ourselves with! But a Tutu doesnā€™t have to be just for a ballet show! If youā€™re feeling bold, go all out with an oversized sweater or an unexpected cardigan! Try a more simple top, with a tulle overlay. And be creative with how you wear your tutu! Who says we need to stick to the typical ballerina dress? Be bold and have fun with it. - Connect with Other Tutu-Lovers! Make sure to use the hashtag #tututuesday when you post pictures of your outfit. Weā€™re a tight community of tutu-lovers who support one another - a love of ballet and tutus truly does connect us all! So whether youā€™re in the studio or dancing in the streets, keep dancing and keep that tutu pride going, because a Tutu never goes out of style. Let's do this! Keep your feet happy, [Your Name]