
Tutu Tuesday in Portage, Michigan #tututuesday

Hey there, fellow dance lovers! It's your girl, Chloe, back with another blog post, and today we're taking a twirl into the whimsical world of tutus โ€“ because it's Tutu Tuesday, of course!

As a professional ballerina here in the U.S. who has pirouetted across countless stages, I have a special place in my heart for the tutus. These ethereal garments embody the beauty and artistry of ballet, but they're also just plain fun. Who wouldn't want to feel like a princess, or a graceful swan, or even a fierce warrior (ahem, those "pas de deux" can get dramatic!), just by slipping into a perfectly-crafted tutu?

But don't let the elegance fool you, choosing the right tutu is a serious business! For beginners and those wanting to look their best at a special performance, the options can be overwhelming. That's why today, we're diving into the glorious world of tutu styles โ€“ from the classic romantic to the sleek modern. So grab a glass of iced tea (or maybe even a fancy espresso!), put on your most comfy slippers, and let's get tutu-licious!

Classical Romance: The Romantic Tutu

Picture this: You're gracefully floating across the stage in a shimmering tulle skirt, the light catching the layers and making them glow. It's practically a ballet-themed fairytale! This is the romantic tutu, a ballet icon with layers upon layers of tulle that flows gracefully with every movement, often making it appear as if the dancer is practically gliding above the floor. These tutus are typically a long, flowing design that begins just above the knee and can fall almost to the ankles, though shorter romantic tutus do exist as well. It's the epitome of classical elegance. Ballet stars have been adorning these romantic tutus for decades, and we see why!

Think: Giselle, La Bayadรจre, Swan Lake - these tutus perfectly encapsulate the whimsical beauty and emotions of the stories told within these iconic ballets. And yes, the iconic Swan Lake tutus! There are even variations for "White Swan" and "Black Swan" - those two opposing forces really create a beautiful effect in terms of choreography and tutus, don't you think?

Modern Lines and Chic Simplicity: The Modern Tutu

While classical ballet often evokes romantic ideals, modern ballet is all about innovation. Think of dancers leaping into bold expressions of emotions โ€“ it's simply captivating! And for these dance narratives, the perfect garment is, of course, a modern tutu.

Unlike the classic tutus, modern tutus embrace sleekness and simplicity, but still remain absolutely stunning on the stage. They're all about highlighting the dancer's lines and movement. Think clean shapes, tailored silhouettes and geometric patterns. The materials range from lighter fabrics to sturdier nylon netting โ€“ perfect for those gravity-defying moves that really show the strength and athleticism of ballet.

Think bold leaps and gravity-defying turns! You won't often see the voluminous layers of a romantic tutu with a modern tutu, instead the dancers tend to wear a skimpier version that sits a little closer to the body. Think more along the lines of "Don't Call Me" (for a contemporary piece) rather than a classical ballet.

Stepping Into The Spotlight

So, you want to grab a tutu for a performance? Well, the tutu journey is not as simple as walking into a store and just picking any that feels good - because even the *simplest* tutus can vary drastically in price! Before you even go tutu shopping, know how many layers you are looking for, what materials will give the tutu the right kind of flow or firmness for the kind of ballet you're doing (modern versus romantic).

  • **Ask your instructor about what kind of tutu is best suited for your skill level and the style of dance.**
  • **Be patient in your selection. Sometimes it takes weeks to make a good tutu. So if it is going to be a specific costume, then do not wait to the last minute!**
  • **And finally, if you are choosing to buy a ready made tutu, remember you will have to know your waist and your hip size and if the bodice is going to be the standard style, make sure to consider those things as you look at various tutus.**

Let's Wrap it Up: Tutu Tuesday

From the intricate and dramatic designs of romantic tutus to the modern elegance of a modern tutu, there is something for every taste and every performance, no matter the style or era! So don't be afraid to play with your wardrobe. Embrace that inner ballerina and try different styles. Go on, rock those tutus!

But remember, Tutu Tuesday isn't just about the dress โ€“ it's about expressing your passion for the beautiful art of dance, no matter where you're located or how long you've been dancing. So whether you're in the studios of New York City or Portage, Michigan (let's give a shout-out to my local fellow dancers!), let your Tutu Tuesday be a reminder to find the joy and elegance that comes with wearing this timeless symbol of dance!

#tututuesday #balletinamerica #portagemichigan