
Tutu Tuesday in Barking: A Fashionable Feast for the Eyes

So, itā€™s Tuesday again and, you know what that meansā€¦ #tututuesday! And not just any Tutu Tuesday, my darlings, because Iā€™m bringing you all the gossip, the glamour and the glorious fashion straight from the heart ofā€¦ Barking. Yes, you read that right! Weā€™re swapping the glittering stages of Covent Garden for the grittier streets of East London. And it turns out, tutus are having a moment in Barking, and I, for one, couldnā€™t be more thrilled!

Now, letā€™s talk fashion. This week, Barking is overflowing with a dazzling spectrum of tutus that wouldn't be out of place at a prestigious gala. Think frothy tulle in every colour under the sun, from blushing pink to vibrant violet. Itā€™s a real mishmash of styles too. Weā€™ve got the classic Romantic tutu, those beautifully cascading, multi-layered creations that just scream ā€œballet starā€ (especially with the addition of a dazzling diamantĆ© bodice). We're even spotting the modern neoclassical tutu, all sleek lines and engineered for graceful movement. And I spotted a couple of bold and edgy, punk-inspired tutus. All black with chainmail detailing! They're the kind that might get you a second look on the Underground!

But this isnā€™t just a display of haute couture (though Iā€™m a sucker for a pretty tutu!), itā€™s a statement, a declaration that fashion has no boundaries and that even a place like Barking is open to all the fabulousness that a well-constructed tutu can bring.

My morning started with a cheeky caffeine fix at ā€œThe Teapotā€, the cutest little tea room youā€™ve ever seen. It was buzzing with locals sporting tutus of every colour imaginable! Some of them looked perfectly styled while others had the whimsical, ā€œIā€™m-just-trying-this-out-for-funā€ vibe. It felt wonderfully refreshing. And the owner, a woman called Elsie, was wearing a classic Romantic tutu made from this amazing deep burgundy fabric - it practically shimmered in the morning light!

Next up was a visit to the ā€œBarking Marketā€. It's a bit of a London institution you know - itā€™s a vibrant hub that seems to attract an eclectic bunch, and on this #tututuesday, the market looked positively divine. We had everything from fluffy white tutus paired with ripped jeans and oversized jumpers, to a group of guys rocking sparkly mini tutus with tracksuits - it was absolute mayhem and totally awesome!

Hereā€™s the thing, darlings: in the swirling world of #tututuesday, there are no rules. No stuffy fashion magazines telling you what you *should* or *shouldn't* wear. You want to pair your tutu with trainers, a grungy t-shirt and your best statement sunglasses? Do it! Feel like you want to embrace your inner ballet goddess and strut about in a fluffy pink creation, complete with matching feather boa? You go for it! In Barking, tutus are just part of the day-to-day scene.

My little journey through Barking had me doing a lot of people-watching, and Iā€™ll be honest, some of the tutu pairings I saw really were unexpected and downright fabulous. Thereā€™s something special about seeing everyday folk stepping outside their comfort zone and expressing themselves through the power of a simple, but beautifully crafted, piece of tulle. It makes you think twice, reassesses your own personal fashion credo. Does it? It certainly did for me!

But Tutu Tuesday in Barking wasn't just about tutus, oh no. It was a window into a different side of this dynamic, diverse town, a town often misunderstood and undervalued by outsiders. It exudes a certain charm, a playful rebelliousness, an unapologetic embrace of individuality that I absolutely adore. There's a rawness to Barking that's utterly captivating.

After the market, I had to visit Barkingā€™s little hidden gem ā€“ ā€œThe Crooked Houseā€. This sweet pub boasts a truly fascinating history. It is built into an incredibly charming crooked cottage, with a Tudor style front. Itā€™s a delightful spot for a pint. The best bit? They held a "Tutu Showcase" on #tututuesday! They had a beautiful display of vintage and hand-crafted tutus hanging in the window, and there were even some ladies taking photos with them! I spotted a few tutus that looked like they were inspired by historical periods like the Roaring 20s and the Victorian era.

But the most striking feature of Barking is the incredible community spirit that permeates through it. People were genuinely excited about the "Tutu Tuesday" initiative, they were laughing, chatting, sharing pictures on social media, just embracing the moment. You could feel a shared joy, a real sense of connection in the air. It wasnā€™t about being perfect, it was about expressing oneself and embracing the absurdity and fun of it all.

My advice? Ditch the stereotypes. Ditch the preconceptions. Get yourself down to Barking, grab a latte, watch the world go by and maybe, just maybe, give that tutu hiding in the back of your wardrobe a whirl. You just might discover your inner fashion rebel. I know I did!

And remember, even in a bustling metropolis like London, fashion can surprise you. And where else but in Barking could you find the perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit of #tututuesday, even for just one day? So go on, be brave. Unleash your inner tutu diva and find your very own #tututuesday moment!