Tutu Tuesday in Edgware: A Ballerina's Guide to This Charming London Suburb

As a ballerina, I’m always on the lookout for inspiring places. You never know when a captivating coffee shop or a whimsical bookshop might spark creativity for a new choreography or offer a beautiful setting for a photoshoot in my beloved tutu. So, this #tututuesday, I’ve set my sights on Edgware, a charming North London suburb, ready to explore its hidden gems. I’ll be reporting back to you, my dear readers, with my findings - fashion-forward or not. #tututuesday

My first stop was a delightful cafe tucked away on a quiet side street, “The Little Teapot,” that served delicious, melt-in-your-mouth Victoria sponge. This cafe was like a scene from a Jane Austen novel with its quaint decor, china cups and gentle chatter. Now, I am sure you'll agree with me that a tutu can only make an outfit more sophisticated, so I went for a classically romantic design - a blush pink romantic tutu, layers of tulle. Just as soft and elegant as the tea I was enjoying, this tutu had me dreaming of ballets set in the 19th century.

Moving on, my next discovery was “The Book Nook.” This book shop was brimming with new and pre-loved books. The smell of paper and ink always does something magical to me. A ballerina needs inspiration, and a book is an incredible starting point for a new character. It took all my will-power to not just grab every copy of Jane Austen, or even pick out a selection of poetry. My tutu, this time a stunning blue number, echoed the hues of a classic 1920s Parisian book shop. It really did make me feel as though I was channeling the chic vibes of the most fashionable Parisian bookworm, especially when the shop owner gave me an extra long glance at my lovely tutu!

Lunch was enjoyed in the charmingly eclectic “Edible Eden” bistro where the atmosphere felt more relaxed than I would have expected. I settled in for an amazing quiche and a surprisingly large cup of tea (after all, I had to fuel myself up for my afternoon adventure, right?). As the sunshine beamed through the window onto the white table cloth, it struck me - I looked every bit the Parisian in my soft ivory tutu, designed for lightness, perfect for such an afternoon of leisurely enjoyment.

Now, every dancer needs to find a hidden oasis away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For me, it is the tranquillity of a well-stocked library and this afternoon I found it in the “Edgware Community Library.” There is no place quite like a library where the quiet hush of turning pages meets with the calm hum of activity. For today, this peaceful library became my haven. In the stillness, it allowed me to reflect and explore my own emotions, and as the words flowed around me from books past and present, the white classic tutu with an accented strip of midnight blue satin just flowed with the movements of my imagination.

Now, of course, I wouldn't call myself a ballerina if I didn’t seek out an avenue for my dance routine. Fortunately, a quick browse through social media (on the cafe's wifi no less!) uncovered a little gem tucked away on the outskirts of Edgware called "Studio A." The minute I stepped into this small dance studio, my creativity really sparked! There’s nothing quite like an impromptu routine to feel free and embrace the elegance and fluidity that comes from our training as a ballerina. As I began to pirouette, the way the tutu moved - I’d opted for the elegant style of tutu, black tulle - was mesmerizing and perfectly complemented the light and airy style of the routine I'd planned.

So there you have it - a day in the life of a tutu-loving ballerina, exploring the charming streets of Edgware. As a seasoned traveller in this city, it is quite amazing how there are so many lovely places, in our midst. To be honest, I didn’t know Edgware could be so beautiful - this is one neighbourhood I will be returning to!

I hope this peek into my #tututuesday adventures has given you some inspiration to get out there and explore! Who knows what exciting discoveries await you in the most unexpected places! #tututuesday