Ruislip Goes Tutu Tuesday: A Day to Embrace Your Inner Ballerina

It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means – #tututuesday! The day where the world embraces its inner ballerina. Here in Ruislip, we've embraced it in all its frilly, fluffy glory, and it was glorious indeed. It was a celebration of dance, of tulle and sequins, of turning your inner critic off and letting the spirit of dance take over. It didn’t matter if you had been trained for a lifetime or just had a sneaking desire to pirouette on your lunch break – it was the perfect day to unleash the ballerina within.

The day started with a pop-up workshop at the Ruislip Library. They called it ‘Twirl and Tell’ and they were encouraging people to not only ‘let their inner ballerina out’ but to share their dance story – it was such a wonderfully positive event! I, for one, learnt that one woman has been secretly pirouette-ing in the office kitchen at her break since her days in a primary school ballet club.

We also had our annual Tutu Stroll - think of a "fashion show" but for tutus, and you have it! I have to say, there was so much creativity on display. Some folks went classic - long and flowing **tutus** in the purest shades of pink, ivory, or **pale blue.** Some, meanwhile, favoured a **modern cut** in black and daring red. It was the ultimate display of “anything goes.” Some were in classic romantic styles - and one man - yes, one man! – even bravely ventured in a **layered white tut**u for the parade through the centre of town!

Now, when I mention “the tutu parade,” let's be real, it’s really just everyone twirling and pirouetting. We met by the fountain at the end of the high street and for almost two hours, Ruislip turned into one massive dance party, with each of us as the lead dancer.

We then moved to The Station CafĂ© (which had embraced the spirit of the day with some special, delicious ‘ballerina brunches’), where we held the grand finale and awarded prizes for "most creative tutu" and "most original dance move". I took home the "Most Original Dance Move" for my rather experimental "Reverse Flamingo Twist." Let’s just say it was far more amusing to watch than to attempt.

It's safe to say #tututuesday in Ruislip was a smashing success, proving that sometimes all we need to unleash the creativity and joy inside is a sparkle and a twirl. It truly is a wonderful day to celebrate everything dance, in all its wonderful variations, from the graceful **tutu of the professional dancer to the joyful twirl of a tiny child at their very first dance lesson**

You've still got a whole week to practice! Get yourself to your local charity shop and get yourself a tutu. Don’t forget to document your tutu triumphs and tag #tututuesday! Because you never know – your fabulous frolicking could go viral and take the world by storm!

Next week? We'll see. But I'm confident we'll come up with another reason to celebrate!

Till then!

From the Ruislip tutu enthusiast