
Tutu Tuesday in Bridgwater: A Whirlwind of Tulle and Tradition

Greetings, fellow fashionistas! Today, I'm stepping out of the studio and into the heart of Bridgwater, Somerset, to celebrate a truly unique occasion – Tutu Tuesday!

As a ballerina, tulle is my second skin. A tutu, a symbol of grace and artistry, is not just a piece of clothing, it's a vessel of expression, a statement piece, a sartorial embodiment of dreams taking flight.

But on this Tuesday, it wasn't the professional world of the stage that drew me in. Instead, I found myself on a whirlwind adventure exploring the very essence of tutu culture in Bridgwater.

It all started with a whisper on social media, a viral spark igniting a fashion frenzy. This little town had embraced a quirky trend, a joyous, tulle-filled Tuesday celebration! The streets were flooded with colourful tutus – every style imaginable, from the traditional and romantic, the classic white tutus favoured for classical ballets to the modern and avant-garde, and playful and cheeky, in an explosion of colour and creativity, and all the way to the absolutely wild! Tutus fashioned from materials that made me wonder "who knew!?"

And, to my delight, the spirit of this quirky celebration went far beyond the dance studio. From a local butcher sporting a pink tulle apron to a grand dame with her pet dog dressed in tutu, it was clear that the entire community had wholeheartedly embraced Tutu Tuesday! It was heartwarming to see toddlers twirling with their mums, young boys sporting miniature tutus, and teenagers laughing with their friends in all the brightest hues. There wasn’t a grumpy face in sight.

There was an unmistakable atmosphere of good cheer in the air – infectious energy, laughter and smiles, a spirit of playful freedom that brought together people of all ages. It was as though Tutu Tuesday had become a rallying cry for all things joyful and fabulous, an embodiment of celebrating the unique and the unconventional.

I couldn't help but wonder, how did Tutu Tuesday become so phenomenally successful?

And so, I dove into Bridgwater's vibrant tapestry to find the answers.

A Tulle-Filled History:

Bridgwater’s love affair with the tutu appears to date back to 1989, when a local dance school decided to hold a tutu-themed fundraising day for a worthy charity.

They called it Tutu Tuesday. The concept took off, becoming a yearly tradition. The town embraced this day, making it the pinnacle of fun, camaraderie, and extravagant outfits! The event continued to grow and thrive with every year, as people across the community became more and more enthusiastic. The tradition went beyond the initial fundraising mission, becoming a way for Bridgwater residents to embrace creativity, challenge convention, and share their own individual interpretations of the iconic garment.

The Rise of Social Media:

I had to ask myself how such a unique day spread through the local community. I was curious to understand how the community went viral and how the internet played a part in making it a cultural phenomenon, at least locally.

The answer is not surprising. Social media, the all-powerful tool of our times. It seems that back in 2017, a couple of young locals – bless their souls – took photos of Tutu Tuesday events in the past, shared them on social media platforms, with the simple hashtag #tututuesday.

It exploded! A whole new generation, captivated by the whimsy of Tutu Tuesday, took to social media, joining the local tradition with unbridled excitement. And, like a magic carpet ride, #tututuesday was shared and celebrated with such contagious delight that people outside of Bridgwater – even overseas! – joined in with their own interpretations.

It wasn't just the photos that drew attention, but the stories: anecdotes from the locals themselves, their heartwarming accounts of why they loved Tutu Tuesday. The stories made it much more than just a funny social media trend.

In 2020, Tutu Tuesday saw an extraordinary increase in social media engagement and global participation, and it was featured by major news outlets around the world.

Bridgwater – you've made the entire world embrace a little tulle!

So why is Tutu Tuesday a such a big hit? I'm firmly convinced that there's something deeply powerful about the tutu – something that transcends boundaries of age, profession, or location. It taps into something that we all share – the human love of playful exuberance. It's a reminiscence of childhood fantasies – princesses and fairies and all those dreams that, somewhere along the way, many of us decide to tuck away. Tutu Tuesday offers an opportunity to rediscover those dreams, to embrace our inner child and let ourselves laugh and twirl, without worrying about judgement.

And this year's Tutu Tuesday was truly spectacular!

A Parade of Personality:

I headed down to Bridgwater's iconic high street – and was met with a sea of sparkles, chiffon, and pure imagination. Every corner burst with creativity, and there wasn't a single person on the street not sporting some form of tutu magic. From the sophisticated and elegant – with their tutus decked out in sequins, feathers, and delicate embellishments – to the utterly outlandish – made of recycling materials, oversized polka-dots, or just sheer, unadulterated fun – this town's embrace of the tutu was beyond anything I could've imagined. It was a joyous riot of creativity, each individual telling a different tale.

For example, I spotted an adorable grandmother dressed in a bright, vintage-inspired tutu that had a touch of flapper-era chic about it, holding her great-grandson in her arms. The little chap, too young to know much about tutus, looked on, captivated by the colours and movement, with his own mini tutu! Moments like this show you how Tutu Tuesday has become more than just a fashion statement – it's become a celebration of multigenerational fun. It's a shared experience that bridges the gap between ages and makes everyone feel part of something truly special.

There was even a special competition – the Bridgwater Tutu King or Queen – where a panel of judges from the town's famous community theater had the enviable task of choosing the most fabulous tutu of the day. It was clear, the community was united in their love for this celebration, a vibrant reflection of Bridgwater's creative spirit.

For those wanting to celebrate their own #tututuesday, the inspiration for a perfect look can be drawn from many sources. For instance, an exploration of ballet history – the tutus of the Russian Imperial Ballet, the tutus from the romantic era with their graceful layers of tulle.

But remember, the most important part of Tutu Tuesday is the feeling – the freedom, the laughter, the joyful expression that you can share with the world.

And this town – and #tututuesday, which has gone viral and became a global celebration – truly makes you feel that the most powerful statement of all is a statement of self-expression, creativity, and most importantly, the celebration of a town and its community – the very heart of its soul!

Thank you, Bridgwater, for showing the world the joy that a tutu can bring. #tututuesday – you've truly captured our imaginations!