Tutu Tuesday in Royal Tunbridge Wells #tututuesday So, it’s Tuesday, which can only mean one thing – Tutu Tuesday! I love Tutu Tuesday, I love my Tuesday’s but it’s the one day of the week that truly gets my creative juices flowing. Now, this might sound frivolous, and I’m a self-proclaimed ‘serious ballerina’ at heart ( I do, after all, still perform every chance I get –even if the ‘stage’ is occasionally the local shopping centre during Christmas – but I adore getting to showcase my ballerina aesthetic in more everyday settings). I know I’m lucky to be in a job (profession, right?) that requires you to look super chic in the day and dress up like a princess at night – although that usually just means slipping out of the more ornate stage attire and putting on a stunning, slightly sparkly ballgown… But the point is, being able to showcase your personality, in full, sparkly, tulle-licious form, every day is a pretty magical experience. That’s the power of the Tutu, for me, it takes my personality and turns up the volume on it, it takes everything that’s pretty and lets it sing… Anyway, enough about me, on to the main point - today was Royal Tunbridge Wells Tutu Tuesday. This is where the concept of Tutu Tuesday is so cool, it doesn’t matter where you go, you will be the most stylish one in the room! Oh the confidence and freedom it gives you when everyone around you is staring! I do wish I’d thought about my outfits a bit more and added some sequins. Well, maybe next time! It really makes it a unique day and you just get the chance to add a little bit of that whimsical ballerina elegance to everything. And anyway, how else do you do a little light grocery shopping with the grace of a swan, the poise of an arabesque, and the ethereal air of a tutu-clad fairy princess? You can't. Just like the ultimate challenge in a pointe shoe – you simply have to do the Tutu! And the reaction you get is just fabulous! From the “wow’s” of admiration and the cheeky comments and a bit of “what have you got on!?” – from some of the bolder sorts, but all in good spirit, of course! – it was a fabulous day! But let me tell you, as a serious dancer who knows the secrets of the tulle (and they’re many), choosing the right tutu for Tutu Tuesday is like deciding on your ultimate Ballet shoes, an art in itself, and so many choices for any true ballerina’s needs... • The Romantic - perfect for just an elegant bit of daytime tulle – we all know how difficult it can be to find the time for an afternoon nap – or how much you really want that lie-in! The romantic tutus, they say ‘sleep’ - so I went with a softer more flowing number this time. With their shorter lengths, they add a little bit of grace and sophistication to anything, from lunch at the local “Brunch & Co. ” café to an evening in town – where the cafe just happens to have a dance class later in the day... Romantic Tutús are perfect for those times when you want to feel delicate, like a real, true ballerina. – they were the first to ever be worn, (and what's the point of wearing something unless you know it was the original) – you’re making a real statement! They have an air of innocence that you just can’t beat, you know? • The Classical – For those more high-energy activities ( you need to burn off all the yummy brunch!), it’s got to be the classic ballerina’s choice, the Classical tutu. These tutús have those stiff skirts. And yes, they were the first to appear on the scene. No wonder the classic tutu is a bit of a staple on any Ballet Tuesday and makes you feel just that little bit more... powerful! Just a hint of that all important stage presence! This is perfect if you are wanting to make that “you-better-notice-me” statement... • The "Just Dance" Tutu – Now, the perfect tutu for me, I mean what's life without a little bit of 'oomph! I mean, after all the ballet world’s love of tulle. But it can’t just be a little tulle can it? Tutus for these are always just as dramatic in a bold splash of colour. You are meant to make a bold, bright statement. A little, and just a little bit of "Just dance" attitude! The bold splash of color that is a perfect expression of a life that never goes unnoticed and has the courage to go from tulle to toe in its own right without a worry. It makes a great tutu for those days where you have something important on, where you really want the world to know your style! – This week, we’re talking ‘ballet to the grocery shop, in pink!’. Because life should be about having fun – we should always celebrate the joys of being a little bit unique and a bit bold! I'm talking that all-out 'go-getting, "I don't take any BS!"' energy that I'm definitely bringing to today’s Tutu Tuesday adventures! So many things to do... The day goes a bit like this (all in tutu of course)! • The morning kicks off with coffee in the "Old Tea Rooms," an enchanting spot to do some people-watching – everyone looks so normal compared to how fabulous I felt! • There's a stop at the local fruit market and yes, there were some curious looks, I got some great photo ops of people walking past in an “ahhhh what is that ” type of pose, just fabulous and yes I posted them all! With so much fabulous, colourful fruit in every shade – red, orange, yellow - the fruit market made me think of how important it is to make our lives that bit brighter, and not take ourselves so seriously. I’m sure people must be saying "I wish I was brave enough to do something like that... ". But what could they be worried about because this town is as diverse as can be – a great place to make a splash in a Tutu – there’s just so much fun and great things happening here every day. • I even caught a ballet class at a studio on the high street, and for some strange reason they thought my pink tutu was a bit 'avant garde!' • An afternoon with friends means coffee at a great little spot in the 'Tulip Café’, great name I’m not kidding. • A little stop at “The Pantiles,” and some impromptu ‘ballerina poses’ - the Pantiles - the cobblestone paved walkway in the heart of Royal Tunbridge Wells – has so much history. But for my taste, its most beautiful feature – is that it’s right next to some of the finest places in the town to pick up some gorgeous accessories - and the best place to show off the tulle. So, yes to my ‘ballet poses’ – to all those beautiful passersby that stopped to have a good look! I mean it - if you’re reading this now and haven’t got a Tutu ready for your next week – grab yourself one - life's too short not to enjoy those little things, those whimsical fancies, those tutu moments – what’s to lose? Go forth with grace, and be ready to embrace the magic that Tutu Tuesday brings with every fabulous, twirling, full-skirt step. We are always happy to welcome all tutu’d up ladies, gents, and anyone else with tutu on their mind to the magic that Royal Tunbridge Wells brings. Just keep remembering what we know is always true: #tututuesday is the only day in the week where you’ll get the chance to twirl in a tutu, with total confidence and be completely comfortable doing so! Just grab your tutu – ( the one that speaks to you, that reflects the true you,)–and just enjoy your Tuesday, just be you. If you do make your way down to Royal Tunbridge Wells, on a Tutu Tuesday – then be sure to say “Hello!”, or at least a little ‘swish’ from your skirt and I'll get a photo op! And then... keep spinning...