Tutu Tuesday in Cramlington: A Whirlwind of Tutus

It's Tuesday, which means only one thing: #tututuesday! I know what you're thinking, "But, Emma, why Cramlington? Isn't it a bit, well, *cramp*ed?" Well, let me tell you, the ballet world doesn't stop at the outskirts of London (as much as I'd love it to). I was out on a *ballerina* adventure last week, seeking out hidden gems of the tutu world. Now, Cramlington might not sound like a dance haven, but the town's got secrets – and tutus – you wouldn't believe. First stop, the Cramlington Community Centre. Now, don't get me wrong, community centres can be hit or miss. Some are dingy and drab. But this one? It was an unexpected burst of colour, sparkly floorboards, and the most delightful array of tutus I'd seen in ages. They had everything: classical white tutus (like the ones from Swan Lake) for the ballerinas who want to be elegant swans, romantic pink tutus with lace and ruffles, even a daringly short, edgy black tutu for those who want to channel their inner punk ballerina. My favourite discovery, however? A gorgeous green velvet tutu, perfect for a "Sleeping Beauty" inspired performance. It was the perfect combination of classic and modern. I nearly grabbed it there and then, but I *did* need to take some pics for you lovely lot. This tutu is coming home with me for sure! Speaking of pics, we need to talk about Instagram. #tututuesday has become an internet sensation! People from all over the world post photos of themselves in their favourite tutus and use the hashtag. It's incredible to see the range of styles and ages of people getting involved! We've got toddlers twirling in fluffy tulle skirts, teenagers flaunting *swans-a-la-mode* on #tututuesday, and even grandmas doing their thing in their fanciest frocks. After my stop at the community centre, I popped into the Cramlington Ballet School. Now, it's not as fancy as some of the ballet schools you see in London (though, that does make it all the more charming), but they have some incredibly talented dancers. The head teacher, Ms. Jones (who could seriously rival any West End choreographer for enthusiasm), told me that #tututuesday was *all* the rage among her students. There were adorable **pink and white** ballerina onesies for the tots, **pastel pastel pastel** tutus for the tweenies, and *ballet-in-black-and-white* for the teens. We talked about the *future* of tutu styles - I told her how excited I was for *colour clashing* tutus and *asymmetrical* designs – you know, the avant-garde tutu-ing *kind*. I could already see those girls becoming future tutu trailblazers. My #tututuesday adventure took me through the bustling streets of Cramlington, a bit of a contrast to the graceful pirouettes I usually practice. I passed by a *tutu-ed* granny walking her pug (adorableness overload!), a group of teenagers wearing #tututuesday themed sweatshirts (brilliant!), and a **silver fox** (you know who I'm talking about!), also sporting a *tutufied* scarf - and it all suddenly felt so right!

Cramlington's Secret Tutu World Okay, I might be getting a bit carried away with the whole "secret tutu world" thing, but it's true. The world of ballet is way more diverse and *much more vibrant* than some people might think. #tututuesday isn't just a hashtag; it's *a celebration of creativity* – and sometimes, that creativity takes you places you'd least expect, like Cramlington, a town that proves ballet is truly **everywhere**. You never know where you'll find your *next favourite tutu*, you know? It might be at the most unassuming ballet school or *lurking * in the corner of the local *charity shop*. That's the beauty of #tututuesday; it's a **journey** to find your next love, your *new favourite dance*. What will you find on **your** #tututuesday journey? I’ve left you a couple of snaps of my #tututuesday trip on my Insta. You can find them at @emma_the_ballerina - and don't forget to tag me in **your** #tututuesday adventures! Let’s bring those tutus back into the light and show the world *just how much they rock!*

What Makes Tutu Tuesday in Cramlington Unique? Well, it's not just about the town, though Cramlington is pretty magical (as you can see)! It's more about the community. • **It’s a way to be yourself** Whether you’re a professional ballerina or a mum of three, there’s something beautiful about slipping on a tutu, taking a spin, and feeling *that magic*. It's a way to tap into that child-like joy, that *inner sparkle* – no matter where you are, who you are, or what your story is. • **It's all about embracing imperfection** Let's be real, perfect tutus don't exist (and that's the way it should be!). Some might have seen better days, some may have a few frayed threads - they might be a bit wrinkled, they might not quite be the right size. The charm is in those imperfections. That’s what *makes it a celebration*. • **It’s a movement – a visual representation of something positive and beautiful** If a tiny ballerina twirling in a tulle tutu, a **middle-aged woman** doing the *fancy steps* in a fluffy tutu, or a *handsome gentleman* posing *strutting in a tutufied scarf* don’t put a smile on your face, *I don’t know what will!* So, let's do this. Get your twirl on, share your joy with the world, and keep #tututuesday going! Let’s keep inspiring the little ballerina inside each of us!