## Aldridge: The Tutu Takeover! #tututuesday Okay, tutu-lovers, prepare yourselves because it's officially Tutu Tuesday in Aldridge and it's EVERYTHING! As a professional dancer, there's no greater joy than twirling in a perfectly-fitted tutu. You've got your classic romantic, puffy tulle, the airy-fairy whimsical tutus for the fairies, and those incredible contemporary styles, which, let's be honest, can go from chic and streamlined to practically gravity-defying. But, like all good things in life, sometimes a girl needs to shake things up! The excitement around Tutu Tuesday started about a month ago when the Aldridge Dance Academy launched a social media challenge. They posted an amazing pic of the adorable studio crew all decked out in tutus, complete with tutus that were everything from "crafty chic" to a vibrant "splash of colour." It was instantly #tututuesday gold, and everyone was posting pictures of their own tutu creations. And Aldridge is REALLY embracing it. A sea of tulle Yesterday, I hopped on the train from my little flat in Birmingham, and as soon as the train pulled into Aldridge station, it was obvious that Tutu Tuesday was more than just a trend, it was an explosion of creative joy. - Women in vibrant floral-pattern tutus walked hand-in-hand with their toddlers, whose tiny legs were churning away in tulle miniature. - At the local market, a stall had all the best tulle fabric – in the most dreamy pastels! I practically grabbed a whole roll of sparkly baby blue tulle! - Down by the Aldridge library, a group of ladies, looking fabulous in tulle skirts that shimmered in the late-afternoon sunshine, were teaching a tutu-making workshop for a bunch of kids. So, not only was it creative, but it was supporting our local community, which is such a wonderful vibe. I swear, Aldridge feels like it's been transported into a whimsical fairytale. It's like the "tutu fairy" came in overnight, and dusted the whole town with a layer of magical tulle. I even bumped into my neighbour, Mrs. Peters, on my way to the bakery! You'll never guess? She was in a full-blown fluffy tulle skirt paired with an Aldridge football jersey, a truly unique combination! I have to say it worked! Mrs. Peters has got serious fashion game. Tutu Tuesday style for every occasion! One of the amazing things about the Aldridge #tututuesday trend is that everyone embraces it differently. And what's cool about this movement? It's not about being a ballet dancer, it's about adding a bit of magic, fun and whimsy to everyday life. I loved seeing everyone’s unique spin on Tutu Tuesday style. Here's a peek at some of my fave outfits from yesterday's trend-fest! - There was a young couple, they totally rocked it. The guy had a bright yellow tutu and his partner was in a fabulous green tulle skirt and a fitted black turtleneck – chic and fun. - Another highlight: a little girl in a vintage blue tutu and sparkly leggings with a vintage-inspired top, it was total Parisian ballerina chic. I mean, where does she get those style vibes at 10?! - For those who prefer a "subtle" approach to the #tututuesday trend, there was this awesome older woman wearing a sparkly tutu-inspired scarf in a vibrant, shimmering gold – so classy! From dance class to a tea party After my Aldridge walkabout, I got a call from my mate, Charlotte, who works as a barista. Turns out she had transformed their local cafe into a real-life fairy-tale! The entire staff were decked out in tutus! - We chatted for a bit about Tutu Tuesday, and I got to see firsthand what Aldridge's Tutu Tuesday really is all about - celebrating life, laughter, and, of course, dancing! The customers seemed totally on board too. They were enjoying the fun energy, taking loads of selfies, and laughing, making this little cafe into a real centrepiece for this vibrant community celebration. - We had a good giggle over the “Tutu Tuesday specials” on the menu – including the “The Ballerina Breakfast” (croissants, pastries, and fruit - think the ultimate tutu-tastic start to your day!), the “Dancing Queen Chai Latte” (that was the chai with cinnamon – a sweet-spice blend, kinda like tulle itself, if you think about it!) and, “The Pointe Latte.” It was a hot, whipped, vanilla coffee (definitely not for beginners! But, hey, if you’re a professional dancer like myself, it might just be your new favourite, and let's be honest, we're a tad addicted to sugar. *Shhh! Don't tell my ballet teacher.* ) It wasn’t just the cafe, though! Later in the afternoon, the Aldridge Park was brimming with excitement. Apparently, there was an impromptu tea party planned with a theme. Yep, you guessed it… #tututuesday! This was real "old-fashioned-fun", the ladies in the community all came dressed in elegant gowns and hats - with tulle peeking out underneath, and there were cakes, tea, and laughter. - The most unexpected part was how many gentlemen had joined in on the fun. Some with a dash of colour with their tutus peeking out under their smart casual outfits - you gotta admire their sense of adventure and embrace of a playful spirit! It was definitely a celebration of creativity and self-expression and everyone's enjoyment for life in this beautiful, quaint town! #tututuesday: more than a trend. Aldridge has done an incredible job of not just jumping on the Tutu Tuesday bandwagon, they've redefined it! They've made it their own - a local tradition, a shared experience. You can really feel this genuine sense of community and inclusiveness. From toddlers to grandparents, from market stalls to ballet classes - everyone is rocking it in their own special way. You know, #tututuesday might be about a piece of fabric and a playful dance. But it's really about letting your creativity fly, spreading a little bit of magic, and connecting with the people around you! And to that, I say, BRAVO Aldridge! This tutu trend has set a very high bar, and you've set a real example to us all to find the spark in every day! Can't wait for next Tuesday!