Consett’s Got Tutu!

It’s officially Tutu Tuesday! If you didn't know, #tututuesday is the day of the week where you embrace the frills, the sparkle, the dance magic and… yes… the tutus. And believe me, this week, Consett’s really stepped up their Tutu game.

Now, I'm not talking about your average, run-of-the-mill, plain-Jane tutu. No way! These were the kind that make you stop in your tracks, turn your head and exclaim "What the tutu?!", which of course is my new favourite saying. This town's got style and they're rocking it.

The buzz started on Saturday when a bunch of kids were spotted down the high street, decked out in adorable miniature tutus, with bright ribbons and glitter. I could hear whispers of a "Tutu Parade", and boy oh boy, I was not disappointed. The sheer variety of these tutus was unbelievable:

  • There was the classic "ballerina" tutu, short and fluffy, a timeless classic that never goes out of style.
  • Some kids were sporting the "Romantic" tutu, with a long, flowing skirt, perfect for twirling and dancing.
  • There were also the "Whimsical" tutus, featuring feathers, pom-poms and ribbons, designed for the most adventurous tutu-wearers.
  • For the little fashionistas, there was even a tutu in vibrant leopard print! Who knew tutu styles were so bold?

As the day went on, I realised that the Tutu Parade was actually just the beginning. The tutu phenomenon was sweeping the whole town, like a little ballerina-fueled tidal wave! A group of senior citizens, known for their weekly tea parties, were rocking floral-printed tutus that were absolutely divine, a little more subtle, but they had definitely embraced the theme! Even the local bakery had a massive cake display made of edible tutu-shaped frosting – Talk about delicious inspiration!

Let's be honest, you can never really be over-dressed in a tutu. They bring a sense of playfulness and joy, and I think that's exactly what Consett needed. We've all had a bit of a challenging time these last few years, haven’t we? And to see a whole town embrace their inner ballerinas – even if it’s for one day – it was so uplifting. It felt like a collective declaration that "we’re here, we're happy and we’re not afraid to embrace the absurdity of life!"

I was definitely not going to let the tutu-fest pass me by. I dusted off my old pink tutu - okay, so it had a few sequins missing and I probably added some too-tight ribbons - but I rocked it. I danced my way down the high street, doing a few twirls here, a little arabesque there, and boy, was I getting attention! I felt so empowered! It reminded me that we can all tap into our inner grace and beauty, even if it’s just through a whimsical dance with a tutu.

For the rest of the week, Consett buzzed with tutu talk, and as for me? I've already started thinking about my next #tututuesday ensemble, Consett… You've made a believer out of me! If you see me down the high street, don't be shy, let's have a twirl!
