Tutu Tuesday in Barnet: A Whirlwind of Whimsy and Dance

It's Tuesday, and you know what that means - #Tututuesday! And what better place to celebrate this glorious day than in the heart of Barnet, my friends? Let's get down to the nitty gritty, because I’ve got a story to tell, filled with swirling tulle, captivating dance, and a dose of good old fashioned #tututuesday joy.

The day kicked off with a sunrise stretch at the Barnet Recreation Ground. The crisp morning air, the vibrant green of the grass, and the sound of birds chirping - what better backdrop for my daily routine of pliés and tendues? But today was extra special, because I was sporting my brand new custom-made, powder pink tutu. It was a dreamy confection of layers and layers of soft tulle, creating the most delightful cloud-like silhouette, a total statement piece, I must say! It practically made me want to twirl like a delighted ballerina in the sunshine.

From there, I hopped onto the number 188 bus headed to the local Barnet library. Don’t judge. Tutus can be pretty practical when it comes to making an entrance into a busy library. (It gets you noticed!) I was on a mission to research the Barnet Ballet Company - it turns out they’ve been around for years! They put on amazing performances at the Barnet Encore Theatre - a real treasure right on our doorstep! And you’ll never guess what… they have an open dance class for beginners every Wednesday at 7pm. It’s time to dust off the pointe shoes and get my balance back!

Later that day, I stopped by The Plough pub in East Barnet - I’m always in the mood for a little afternoon tea. It is a true gem with a quaint atmosphere that makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. Of course, I had to strike a few pose in my tutu (after a generous helping of scones) because, let's face it, a #Tututuesday outfit is an excuse for a few photo opps.

In the evening, I made my way to the Barnet arts festival where the main attraction was a life drawing session at the local gallery. Now, you might be wondering, "Why the tutu?". Well, you see, I’m a firm believer that art should be accessible to all. Wearing a tutu definitely makes it easier for people to strike up a conversation - and it turns out there’s a lot of talented artists in Barnet. Plus, wearing a tutu just helps you feel your most expressive and bold, a true mood booster, especially after a long day.

The day wasn’t just about the tutu, though. It was about embracing creativity, breaking the norm, and reminding myself why I love this town. Barnet has a vibrant spirit that is often overlooked - there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye, especially when you’re looking through the lens of #Tututuesday!

The day culminated with an impromptu street dance performance outside the Barnet underground station, with the sound of the music spilling out of the station entrance. I grabbed a few fellow tutu lovers from the Barnet street, and we whipped up a mini dance routine, drawing in crowds with a wave of tutus and smiles. That was my favourite part of the day - because it’s in those spontaneous moments, in a random town like Barnet, that you discover the magic of #Tututuesday and that sense of community. It’s the ultimate expression of "be yourself," and for a ballet dancer at heart, that means a little tutu twirling on a Tuesday.

What’s your tutu style? Let me know in the comments. Here’s a rundown of the day's tutu highlights! * **My Pink Perfection Tutu**: A soft and whimsical tutu made for twirling and floating! I think I’m going to start wearing this on an everyday basis, it simply feels so happy! * **The Library Tutu**: I loved the contrast of my delicate pink tutu against the 严肃 library setting, a touch of magic in an ordinary place. * **The Pub Tutu**: A reminder that tutus are totally pub appropriate, especially when you're stopping by for a bit of afternoon tea! * **The Arts Festival Tutu**: I paired this tutu with a simple black t-shirt for a bit of a modern edge! * **The Street Performance Tutu**: My all-time favourite. I embraced a little more freedom and used the movement to really get people into the #tututuesday spirit. To sum up this day, here are my #tututuesday top tips:

* Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your tutu! Embrace the joy and whimsy! * There is no such thing as a wrong place to wear a tutu - whether it's a library, a pub, a gallery or an underground station. * Take the time to connect with your community. A simple act of wearing a tutu can inspire conversation and a new kind of friendship! * Make the most of #Tututuesday – the opportunity to be playful, and dare I say, a bit silly!

Now tell me… what did YOU do for #tututuesday?