Tutu Tuesday in Slough: A Ballet Blogger's Take

Well, folks, it's Tuesday, which means one thing and one thing only: Tutu Tuesday! For those of you who haven't been blessed with my glorious fashion insight, #tututuesday is a global celebration of the ballerina's most iconic garment - the tutu. Every Tuesday, tutu enthusiasts from all walks of life rock their favorite tulle creations and post pictures to show off their unique style. Today, I'm going to talk about why tutu Tuesday in Slough is just the thing you need to brighten up your day.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Slough? The home of the shopping centre that’s "not as famous as you might think"? The town whose biggest claim to fame is being featured in that hilarious Ricky Gervais series? Yes, that Slough! But hear me out, because this small, often overlooked town has a heart of gold, and that includes a surprisingly strong tutu-wearing community.

Look, I'll admit, it might be a little surprising that tutu-enthusiasts would thrive in a place like Slough. We all have our stereotypes about certain towns, don’t we? I've been known to wear a full-length, romantic tulle skirt around my local area on a Thursday and it does draw stares. In Slough, they take it all in their stride. There's a genuine appreciation for a good twirl - it's like, we all just understand each other.

Sure, you might find the occasional "What are you doing?" look or even the occasional "Are you lost?" inquiry, but generally, people are cool with it. This week a charming gentleman even stopped to ask if I was headed to the theatre. The conversation that followed - "No, I’m just doing my Tutu Tuesday rounds!", was thoroughly engaging, albeit brief, and ended with him smiling as I moved on. My "rounds", are a little circuit around my local area, which takes me past the town hall, the library, and then down to the riverside. If you happen to spot a ballet blogger on the Slough towpath wearing a tutu, don't be shy! Come and say hi!

To illustrate what I'm saying about Slough's secret, unassuming sartorial talent, I’ve listed my favorite tutus of the past few Tuesday mornings right here. Take it from a ballerina who knows a thing or two about a well-constructed tutu (trust me, I’ve sweated in many!) I love variety and experiment often, so here are some highlights that have given my days a good dose of confidence:

  • A simple black tulle skirt, perfect for a classic ballet-inspired look with my favourite pair of chunky boots and leather biker jacket (what can I say, a girl likes a good juxtaposition of styles!)
  • An emerald green tutu, so vibrant and bright. Paired with my black velvet pumps, it made me feel like a Christmas-themed disco ball.
  • My favourite of all – the pale pink tiered tutu that I snagged from a local charity shop. I paired it with my denim jacket for an easy yet playful look. You don’t always need to make a grand entrance. Sometimes you just want to spread a little twirling joy. And who doesn’t love a bargain, right?

But Tutu Tuesday in Slough isn't just about individual expression – it’s a community affair! Last week, I bumped into a group of women who called themselves "The Slough Twirlers" - I can’t make this stuff up, it’s actually brilliant! - rocking their tutus in front of the local cinema. They all looked like they were having an absolute blast, twirling in perfect synchronicity as a man in a tracksuit looked on - a little amused, a little intrigued. It warmed my heart. This is what it's all about - bringing people together and letting loose, celebrating a shared love of movement and style! We don't need grand opera houses to enjoy ourselves, do we?

So, the next time you're feeling a bit blue and want to add a dash of whimsy to your day, remember this: even in Slough, a little bit of tulle can go a long way. Get out there, get twirling, and don’t forget to share those stunning snaps of your fabulous style on social media. The hashtag is, as always, #tututuesday.

Keep on twirling,

Chloe x