
Tutu Tuesday in Bloxwich

Alright, darlings, let's talk about something that brings joy to my heart: tutus. Specifically, Tutu Tuesday in Bloxwich! I've been doing this for a few weeks now, popping by the Bloxwich shops in my best tutu and seeing how the locals react. And, I'll tell you, it's been a right laugh! Now, before you say "ballet's a bit posh for Bloxwich", let me just explain, Bloxwich is an actual town - look it up! You know, youā€™re judging without giving Bloxwich a chance to blow your mind!

So, for those who donā€™t know Bloxwich (and those who don't even know about the magic of #tututuesday), this is my little spin on the whole 'fashion meets real life' thing. We all know the rule: Tuesdays are for tutus. Or, you know, for the more traditionalists out there, the 'ballerinasā€™ work attire. But listen, itā€™s all about bringing some glamour into the everyday. Think of it like this ā€“ whoā€™s going to remember the day you wore your jeans and T-shirt, or the beige trousers you got for that big presentation? Probably no one. But the day you wore that pink, puffy tulle masterpiece that brought a little sunshine to the supermarket checkout? Everyone remembers that one, love!

A bit about the bloxwich vibe

Let me be real ā€“ I'm not some posh, city-girl dancer trying to slum it in a town just to "look down" on the place. I grew up here, bloxwich is my heart and soul. Now, weā€™re known for having a lovely sense of community, for one thing, but letā€™s not forget Bloxwichā€™s vibrant style - don't go believing the stereotypes. People in Bloxwich just have an individual flair. They donā€™t go along with the herd and neither do I. That's what I love about it.

Now, the Bloxwich bunchā€¦ Let's be honest, they can be a little skeptical at first, a little "what is she wearing?" look, a chuckle from a shopkeeper here, a double-take from a granny there. Itā€™s all part of the fun. It's like the whole town has been watching this unspoken social experiment with me. "Look, thatā€™s the 'tutu' girlā€¦ is she at it again?ā€

A tutu for everyone

Now, when it comes to my #tututuesday outfits, Iā€™m no purist. Weā€™re talking an array of designs, you know? One week, I'm channeling a modern dance queen, so maybe a floor-length black tutu. Another day, I'm a 50s ballerina - I might pull out a vintage style with an embroidered fluffy, puffy tutu - something more classic! Or maybe I'm embracing some gothic, with a dark grey, structured number, with some lace accents. Iā€™m telling you - every tutu is its own world, darling.

I am so glad the locals get involved

And then, the best part. After a bit of initial hesitation, Bloxwich embraces the craziness. They see the joy, they get the idea, the ā€˜What's the big idea? Iā€™m going to workā€™ look, turns into "Ooh that's a lovely tutuā€ or "Love the feathers!" Then the chat starts. You wouldn't believe some of the stories! I've heard everything from memories of their own dancing days, tales of family ballet traditions, and I swear, once, this little girl tried to take a selfie with my pink tutu - it was hilarious. This is Bloxwich: where everyone is welcoming and the laughter is always close at hand.

Bloxwich ā€“ tutus in unexpected places

Let's talk locations: Iā€™ve been all over Bloxwich doing my tutu routine. Weā€™ve had: the butchers, where the shop owner let me spin and twirl a little to the rhythm of the butcherā€™s knife sharpening; the market stalls, which turned into a tutu fashion show of sorts - we had some real fashionistas on hand. A local library where the kids got quite excited; and a visit to the cafĆ© - don't worry I didn't wear my ā€˜fullā€™ tutu for that one ā€“ although, if I had the guts to go to the pub in it...now that would be a story, hey!

Iā€™ve had some moments which have left a big impression - we all do! There was a lovely elderly couple in the park. They had a little chat with me about their grandchildren who all do ballet ā€“ the pride in their faces, it just got me. And there was a teen girl on a bench ā€“ her mates had wandered off to chatā€¦ You could see the "do I go for it?ā€ in her faceā€¦ she actually gave me the biggest smile and gave a thumbs up when I did a little spin. It felt pretty specialā€¦

The message of Tutu Tuesday in Bloxwich

So, hereā€™s my thing: Itā€™s not about making a fashion statement. It's about stepping out of the comfort zone, putting a little smile on people's faces, and bringing a bit of sparkle to an ordinary day. A tutu is just an outfit, yes, but the way people in Bloxwich react makes me see that people really are just lovely if you open your heart a little. Itā€™s about community. It's about spreading joy. It's about having a little fun. Bloxwich, your support, kindness and humour just keep giving! You keep me coming back for more. Keep your eyes open for my next #tututuesday adventures.

Oh, and one last thing! Want to join in the tutu fun? Tag me on social media! Share your #tututuesday adventures with the hashtag. The more, the merrier!

#tututuesday #Bloxwich