Tutu Tuesday in Cheshunt: A Fashionable Fiesta

It’s Tuesday, which means it's time for #tututuesday! And what better place to celebrate this magnificent garment than in the charming town of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. Let’s be honest, the quintessential image of a ballerina gracefully twirling on stage in a billowing tutu is what comes to mind when you think of ballet, and in a town teeming with aspiring ballerinas, Cheshunt has a unique connection to the history and magic of dance. So grab a cuppa and let me guide you through a day of Tutu-tastic happenings.

We kicked things off with a visit to Cheshunt’s famous “The Dance House.” I have to confess, as a ballerina of nearly 15 years, I felt an incredible rush of excitement seeing rows upon rows of dazzling tutus, ready to inspire another generation of dancers. From classic romantic tutus, crafted in delicate tulle that billows beautifully with each graceful movement, to the more modern, sculpted designs that seem to challenge the very definition of ballet - this is where dance dreams are sewn.

It wasn't all just admiring though; The Dance House actually put on an enchanting workshop designed to teach even the most beginner-level enthusiasts how to put on and wear a tutu, providing valuable tips and techniques to enhance that ethereal look, no matter the type of tutu! The workshop highlighted various styles:

  • Romantic Tutus: Known for their ethereal beauty and billowing shape, they’re the ultimate symbol of classic ballet.
  • Classical Tutus: Characterised by their rigid form and stiff layers, perfect for intricate technical choreography.
  • Modern Tutus: Pushing the boundaries of traditional styles, they explore avant-garde designs, often employing different materials.

I can assure you, learning the nuances of a perfect "tutu twirl" from the pros is one thing; but actually *wearing* a tutu with confidence is another. It's an art! A dance in itself. Luckily, the instructors at The Dance House had a great sense of humour about all this and guided us with grace and a healthy dose of laughter. Let's face it, you can’t talk about tutus without incorporating a little whimsical silliness, right? The day’s activities certainly offered an escape into a world where all things dance and whimsy were encouraged.

The highlight of our day though had to be the Tutu Fashion Show. And oh boy, was it glamorous. We all took turns showcasing a whole variety of tutus on a temporary stage set up on Cheshunt High Street. I was genuinely stunned by the talent, creativity and confidence that flowed from every participating dancer - they certainly captured the imaginations of everyone in the audience! This little town truly lives up to its reputation for inspiring future stars, and this show certainly displayed an incredibly high standard of dancing and flair.

Later on, The Dance House opened their doors for a “Tutu Tea Party.” It was a true sensory delight, overflowing with all things pretty - teacups that matched my outfit (pink floral with lace, by the way!), miniature cupcakes, and of course, a wall of colourful, intricate tutus that would leave any ballet enthusiast speechless!

As the day wound down, the sense of community in Cheshunt felt so heartwarming, it reminded me just how passionate this town is about dance. The camaraderie among fellow dance lovers and the shared delight in the simple magic of a tutu - that's what makes Tutu Tuesday so special. There was truly something special in the air that day - the kind of feeling that stays with you long after the final note fades out.

In all honesty, you don’t need to be a professional dancer to appreciate the pure joy of a tutu. And it doesn’t even need to be Tuesday to celebrate! Embrace your inner dancer. Just let the tutu set you free! You can join the Tutu Tuesday craze anywhere in the world! Let’s all take a cue from the ballerina's of Cheshunt - spread the love of tutus, and #tututuesday!