Tutu Tuesday in Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France: A Parisian Dream

G'day lovelies! So, guess what? I'm in the south of France, soaking up the sun and the Parisian vibes, and let me tell ya, it's an absolute dream. And you know what goes hand-in-hand with a French getaway? Yep, you guessed it: #tututuesday!

Now, Aix-en-Provence is known for its stunning architecture, its charming markets, and its seriously impressive lavender fields. But what I wasn't expecting was the vibrant ballet scene here. There's a real buzz around dance, and let me tell ya, these Frenchies know their tutus. Seriously, I felt like I'd stepped into a ballet class in the Palais Garnier.

I hit up the Musée Granet, and guess what? It had a whole exhibit on the history of ballet costumes! Imagine that, an entire exhibition devoted to our beloved tutus. I'm talking a journey from the Romantic era with their voluminous, layered tulle, right up to the modern era with minimalist silhouettes and crazy-bold colours. It was truly a tutu-lover's paradise.

Speaking of the Romantic era, there were so many exquisite examples of the classical tutu. I'm talking wispy layers of tulle, short and fluttery, designed to showcase the ballerina's graceful movements. They just scream ballerina magic! Then there were the more modern ones: super short, bold, with amazing contemporary designs and intricate embellishments that added a modern twist to the traditional ballerina look. You know, they say that Paris is always fashionable, and that applies to the ballet world too.

Now, I had to do some window shopping at a few dancewear stores in town. Seriously, there were so many gorgeous tutus. You can imagine my dilemma. Should I choose the classic romantic style? Go for a sleek, contemporary cut with bold lines? Perhaps a custom design made in a local shop. My wallet wasn't too happy with the sheer amount of amazing tutus I could buy, but that's a problem for future me!

My inner ballet fan is doing the pirouettes of delight! But don't get me wrong, the fashion isn't all I've enjoyed. The city is beautiful and has a laid-back atmosphere. Evenings are all about lingering over coffee in sidewalk cafes, strolling along the cobbled streets and just soaking in the ambience. You know, you really feel that French “joie de vivre” - the joy of life - here. It's contagious.

If you're a ballet fan, I'd recommend putting Aix-en-Provence on your must-visit list. It's more than just pretty scenery and lavender fields; it’s a vibrant cultural hub with a whole lotta tutu-love. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if tutus are included in next year's Festival d'Aix-en-Provence.

And guess what else? This week, I'll be popping down to the Grand Theatre de Provence. I hear they're putting on a modern reimagining of the classic “La Bayadère,” and you just know it'll be a stunner. I mean, the choreography, the costuming, the entire spectacle is going to be a feast for the senses. Can’t wait to watch these beautiful dancers twirl in their tutus. It'll be a complete French ballet experience and perfect for a #tututuesday.

Of course, no #tututuesday is complete without a tutu photo. Here’s me posing in front of a quaint local market - so much colour. And this one, I am looking like a classic ballet princess in the centre of Aix, a stone’s throw from the fountain. And let's not forget my obligatory picture outside the opera house. And you're going to be so jealous of the one of me outside the stunning fountain, with a gorgeous pastel pink and lavender sunset. #tututuesday perfection!

So there you have it, lovelies! A little taste of my #tututuesday in Aix-en-Provence. Let me know what you think and share your own #tututuesday photos!

Stay stylish! Until next time.

xx Sarah xx