## Tutu Tuesday in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles, Île-de-France, France: #tututuesday Alright, you guys, you know how much I love a good tutu. And let me tell ya, after my little sojourn through the streets of Paris, I've discovered something pretty amazing: **Tutu Tuesday is a THING here!** Yep, every Tuesday in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles, Île-de-France, there’s a bunch of fabulous French women sporting the most magnificent tutus you’ve ever laid eyes on. I kid you not! I mean, tutus aren’t just for the ballet studio, are they? I’m all about redefining that dusty old rule and rocking these elegant pieces out and about. What is it about this city, eh? The vibe here, the French je ne sais quoi?** Whatever it is, it’s creating an absolutely inspiring ballet fever that I’m keen as mustard to embrace. So, here’s the low-down on what happened on my very first **Tutu Tuesday in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles.** I’ll even give you the skinny on where to score your own awesome tutu to get involved! *** ### **My first Tutu Tuesday:** Okay, so picture this: It's Tuesday morning and I’m walking down the Rue du Docteur-Duchet – still trying to wrap my head around those French street names, they’re just a mouthful – and BAM, right in front of the boulangeries, I spot her. A lady, rocking the most fabulously intricate tutu you’ve ever seen. This thing was all feathers, sequins, and frills. Honestly, I felt a bit like I’d stepped onto a stage of the Opéra Garnier. Well, needless to say, this started my Tuesday off in the most fabulous fashion! I couldn't resist, I had to ask her about it! She explained that, every Tuesday, locals like her wear their most amazing tutus – whatever they’ve got! - and get together at the beautiful Jardin du Marais. It's this quaint park full of amazing little cafes and, get this, they have live music in the afternoon. I knew right then and there, this was my kind of crowd! ### **The vibe of the Jardin du Marais Tutu Party:** This was the most joyous bunch of people you could ever imagine. Women, men, and even a few kids – all decked out in the most extravagant and diverse tutus imaginable. There were romantic tutus, the ones that made you think of classic ballerinas in the Paris Opera. Then there were the punk tutus, black and bold, just a touch edgy. Then some playful and colourful creations that reminded me of those bright carnival costumes from Cirque du Soleil, you know? And, you wouldn’t believe how well the men carried it off, looking oh so dapper in those dapper tutus! It’s all in the way you own it, I suppose, that’s the magic! As you know, being a professional ballet dancer myself, I absolutely love seeing these creative expressions on the street, far removed from the confines of a traditional theatre setting. It felt freeing, spontaneous, and super cool. *** ### **Why do people in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles love Tutu Tuesdays?** It was really fascinating to hear how Tutu Tuesdays came about. The French ballet community in the city was really eager to see more of ballet culture coming to the community. But then they realized a traditional dance class format was a little out of reach for most folks, and that ballet as art form might just seem like “too fancy" to some. So they came up with a fantastic way to integrate ballet culture in their daily lives: **by creating a super fun party – one every Tuesday – that allows folks to explore the magic of ballet through tutus!** This wasn’t about mastering a chassé or doing perfect pirouettes, this was just a celebration of the elegance and creativity associated with tutus and the magical world of ballet. This wasn’t just a performance, it was about inclusivity and getting together and enjoying ballet. That’s what I love most about this concept: It allows all these talented folks to let their creative sides loose, all while making new friends in the community! ### **My Tutu Experience:** Naturally, I just HAD to join in on this epic party! And that's where my quest for the perfect Tutu Tuesday outfit began. Thankfully, I managed to find this fantastic vintage shop, La Boutique de Claire, in a charming little side street near the Jardins du Marais, which has an amazing selection of tutus! After trying on about ten different tutus (and letting everyone in the shop know this was my first Tutu Tuesday – I'm super easy going, as you guys already know! haha!), I found my perfect match: a dazzling blue tulle number that perfectly matched the clear Parisian sky. It was almost like it was destined for this moment, like it had been sitting in La Boutique de Claire all these years waiting to grace this fabulous day in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles! I absolutely loved the way it moved with every step. I felt so confident, so radiant - just ready to let my tutu do all the talking! I joined the festivities and found myself twirling right along with everyone else as we enjoyed the most delightful live music. You’ve got to check out the photos and video on my insta – @dancingkiwi! – and I’m sure you guys are going to love it! It totally gives you the whole #tututuesdayvibe in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles. And if you’re in the area, you just HAVE to join in on the fun next time, you won’t be disappointed! ## Finding the Perfect Tutu in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles (for your #tututuesday outing) : So, if you're planning a #tututuesday and are searching for the perfect tutu for a grand day out (much like me), you gotta make a pitstop at La Boutique de Claire in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles! They have a gorgeous collection, with vintage pieces you can’t find anywhere else. But, here are a few more options I found nearby! * For those lovers of classics: Ballet Shop, Rue de la République. Their tutus are truly elegant - they are all hand-made with beautiful, silky fabric that just shimmers and twirls as you walk. You could just imagine your Tutu Tuesday outfit in an ethereal fairytale setting! * The creatives and free-spirited bunnies out there: Go to “L’Atelier de Couture”, also located on Rue de la République. These folks are experts on all the different tutu styles and have something for everyone: everything from bold statement pieces that stand out to cute, fun designs. Just picture a modern, chic look that still manages to make you feel totally fabulous! * And let’s not forget the little tutu dancers: If you want your precious little tots to get involved in #tututuesday , there’s always a gorgeous collection of cute, fun tutus at "La Maison des Enfants". Let your children experience the magic of ballet in all its whimsical glory. I bet their outfits will get everyone grinning and giggling in no time. I have a feeling, after discovering Tutu Tuesday, that this might be the most inspiring fashion scene in the entire Île-de-France region. The sheer imagination of the creations you see is fantastic, and it really reflects how French folks in this part of the country love to embrace art, culture, and a touch of fantasy. You can really feel it in the air, especially on Tutu Tuesdays, when the community comes together in Montigny-lès-Cormeilles to share a love of ballet! I just know I’m already counting down to next Tuesday. So, have you found your own #tututuesday inspiration yet, folks? I would love to see you rockin’ those tutus in your own cities across the world. It might be the spark you need to create some joy and creativity in your lives! If you feel the urge to get your tutu on, don’t forget to tag me on social media: @dancingkiwi #tututuesday . Until next time, my fellow ballet lovers!