Tutu Tuesday in Cesson-Sévigné, Brittany: A Parisian Adventure in Pointe Shoes

Bonjour from Cesson-SĂ©vignĂ©, Brittany! This week I’m on a whirlwind tour of France, and today I’m soaking up the Parisian charm in a city just outside the capital. The sun is shining, the croissants are delicious (and I've already had three, shhh!), and I'm feeling so inspired. But today's post isn't just about croissants and French charm, it's about Tutu Tuesday, a weekly ritual I’ve been following for years, and something that’s super popular in the world of dance.

I’m a bit obsessed with tutus, you see. It all started when I was a little girl, watching my idol, the Australian ballerina, The The most iconic tutu design, in my opinion, is the classic Romantic tutu. Picture a single layer of tulle, flowing and ethereal, creating a visual that’s all about lightness and elegance. These are the most traditional tutus and still popular amongst professional ballerinas.

Now, I know some people think tutus are a bit... well, let’s just say they can be a bit "too much." But for me, a tutu represents so much more than just a garment. It represents a love for dance, a passion for artistry, and a connection to the long history of ballet. Plus, there’s nothing quite as magical as twirling in a billowing, delicate tutu, you feel like a graceful fairytale character and, seriously, who doesn’t want to feel like a fairytale character?

Since I arrived in Paris, the inspiration has been bubbling. This beautiful city has a very specific Parisian flair and my time here has given me an urge to experiment with new things, new tutus! This tutu is inspired by the vibrant energy of Parisian street style – it's playful and edgy, just like the city itself. But unlike traditional tutu, my tutu is black – something that has taken the Parisian dance scene by storm! But the best part? My tutu is not your average, plain, black tutu!

It has just the right amount of glitter. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about that “more is more” when it comes to sparkle but sometimes a subtle amount of glimmer can really give your look the je ne sais quoi!

Anyway, I wanted to share a bit about this little tradition I’ve adopted in the city of love – in honour of #tututuesday I put on my most stunning tutu, captured the most photogenic views of Paris and I just felt my Parisian ballet heart burst!

Now, on to what's been happening with the local dance scene!

**Here are a few things I've discovered in Cesson-SĂ©vignĂ© and nearby Rennes, which are really putting the “city of lights” and #tututuesday on the map.

  • The "Ballet du Grand Ouest." This is a dance company dedicated to making ballet accessible and exciting for people of all ages! I found myself captivated by their vibrant choreography and, they use modern music alongside classical ballet styles, which are really pushing the boundaries.
  • “Les Ateliers de la Danse,” is a local dance studio in Cesson-SĂ©vignĂ©, that’s just wonderful. They offer all sorts of classes - everything from classic ballet to contemporary to jazz – so there’s something for everyone, including ballet for kids and even, you’ll never believe it, a Zumba ballet fusion class! (I know, crazy!)
  • The "MusĂ©e des Beaux-Arts" in Rennes. Now this might seem an odd addition to my dance blog but I just couldn’t resist mentioning the beautiful “MusĂ©e des Beaux-Arts" in Rennes, home to the famous Portrait of Suzanne Bloch – a captivating and intriguing artwork of a lady wearing an ethereal pink tutu like a vision from a Parisian fairytale! I am a huge fan of museum explorations so when you add this particular piece of art and ballet history to the mix, it made this museum even more of a must-see!

So, that's it for my #tututuesday adventure. I’m not going to lie, this was quite an exciting week, especially for this dancing girl! This trip, the inspiration and a certain city, have inspired my dancing more than anything else! For now, Cesson-SĂ©vignĂ© is all about beautiful ballet moves, inspiring artworks and lots and lots of delicious pastries - but until next week I have a hunch this trip has got me dreaming big in terms of the future of my dancing!

#tututuesday #Cesson-Sévigné, #Brittany #Ballet, #France #BalletLife