## **Tutu Tuesday in Les Noës-près-Troyes, Grand Est France - #tututuesday** G'day, lovelies! It's your girl, Tilly, coming at you live from the charming town of Les Noës-près-Troyes, nestled in the gorgeous Grand Est region of France. Today is a special day - **Tutu Tuesday!** And trust me, this tiny town has surprised me with its ballet scene. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably picturing me pirouetting in front of the Eiffel Tower or strutting my stuff down the Champs-Élysées, but let me tell you, sometimes the best discoveries are off the beaten track. And Les Noës-près-Troyes, with its cobblestone streets and quaint little cafes, definitely deserves a spot on your French itinerary. So, let's dive into the world of tutus, French-style! First things first, I have to say, the French have an *air* about them, and it absolutely shines through in their ballet. It's almost like they were born with pointe shoes on! From the moment I stepped into the studio here, the elegance was palpable. But enough about my musings, let's get down to the nitty-gritty! Today's tutu theme is **classic elegance with a modern twist**. The town's ballet school, "L'École de Danse des Noës", holds a special place in their hearts for tutus. The director, Madame Dubois, told me they consider tutus an important part of their ballet tradition, passed down through generations. And, she was right! You wouldn't believe the beautiful old tutus she showed me - a real vintage collection. They've got these delicate ones with silk flowers and hand-sewn beading that could belong in a museum. Now, Madame Dubois also understands that dance isn't frozen in time. That's why "L'École de Danse des Noës" offers contemporary classes and performance opportunities alongside the traditional repertoire. It's all about evolving, you know? And this kind of modern thinking really shows through in their "Neoclassical Tutu" collection. It's a mix of sleek lines, shimmering fabrics, and minimal frills, and I think it's pure magic. I've never seen tutus quite like them! But tutus are more than just fashion statements. I love how they symbolize strength, artistry, and discipline. And, in a small town like Les Noës-près-Troyes, ballet is more than just a hobby. It's a passion, a sense of community. They have this annual dance festival - the "Ballet des Noës" that the whole town gets behind. It's such a joyous occasion, and it's the perfect way to show off the dancers' amazing skills in these glorious tutus! So, to wrap things up: **Tutu Tuesday in Les Noës-près-Troyes has blown me away!** This charming town boasts a ballet scene bursting with passion, history, and cutting-edge designs. I have a little challenge for you all! If you find yourself in the Grand Est region of France, do yourself a favor and stop by Les Noës-près-Troyes! Don't forget to check out their stunning tutus! And for the rest of you, send me your pics wearing your own fabulous tutu outfits. Don't forget to tag them #tututuesday #LesNoës-près-Troyes #GrandEst #ballet #france! Love, Tilly. xxx