Rouelles, Normandie, France - Tutu Tuesday: A Parisian Adventure in Pink! #tututuesday

G’day lovelies! Your girl Chloe here, and today, I’m about to take you on a Tutu Tuesday adventure that’s a little bit different from our usual fare! Let's just say it involves the City of Lights, cobblestones, and an unexpected ballet obsession!

You see, when I first landed in Paris, I had this grand vision: I'd be waltzing through the Louvre in my most fabulous tulle, and, of course, doing some serious people-watching with a latte in hand. A Parisian fairy tale, if you will, except for one little detail...I didn’t exactly bring my wardrobe full of tutus along!

Now, I am all about making do with what you’ve got (just ask my Mum, she’s been preaching about that since I was a kid). So, I decided to take a chance and see if a tutu adventure was possible without a classic romantic tutu. Turns out, a bit of French inspiration and some quick internet sleuthing were all I needed!

The challenge: Find the perfect tutu in Paris! I figured, if they could whip up those killer macarons in every colour imaginable, a Parisian tutu couldn’t be that hard, right? And I was so excited to finally try on a real French ballerina’s dress - my Mum’s always raved about the way they dance, how their outfits are almost works of art, all flowing lines and lightness.

So, on a mission I went! Turns out, finding a tutu shop in the heart of Paris is a bit like finding a four-leaf clover…it takes some hunting! But then I stumbled upon a tiny boutique nestled in the Latin Quarter, just behind a bakery, and wouldn't you know it - there they were! All kinds of amazing tutus – even a vintage one, almost like something you’d see at the Paris Opera! I snagged this cute little pastel pink one, almost a pale pink with hints of lavender… It felt a little retro, like the style ballerinas wore back in the day. So much fun!

The hunt wasn’t over yet – I knew a little Parisian dance lesson was on the cards, so I Googled some nearby studios, which I was SO excited about! They looked straight out of a movie - these quaint studios with cobblestone alleys outside and maybe even a boulangerie down the road? Who needs a café when you've got all this charm!

Well, I walked through the door and...oh my goodness, the whole place just vibrated with energy! There were women of all ages in every style of leotard, stretching out before class and having chats, so cool! There was a vibe I’d never experienced before – relaxed and inviting. There were lots of classical ballerinas, but also people just doing it for the fun and fitness. It felt really cool to see these ballerinas working so hard, I know it takes dedication and loads of practice to be good at this.

My first ballet class in France? A little tricky at first! They taught a few things differently to the way we do in Australia – lots of smaller, more intricate moves, really focused on artistry, which makes sense with the famous Parisian schools, they're all about classical technique. I also learnt a bit of French vocabulary too - "à la seconde" or "port de bras." It’s not hard to catch on, I was starting to feel like I was part of this big Parisian ballet scene.

I was dancing all day, exploring the charming streets around the dance studio in my tutu, which definitely drew some stares. And what do you know – a few folks complimented me on my choice of outfit – a perfect example of street style! Turns out, people here love anything vintage and quirky – this is where being "unique" is celebrated! I even felt like I’d become a local, enjoying a proper French "flânerie," that thing where people just stroll and appreciate everything around them - something I had missed so much back home. It’s amazing what a little bit of pink tulle can do!

And the day wrapped up the best way it could - in a Parisian bakery, devouring pastries with the most decadent custard fillings - a reward for the day’s exploration. The whole adventure left me feeling full of joy and appreciation - for Parisian chic, for the amazing history of French ballet, and for taking a risk and just dancing. That’s why this #tututuesday post isn’t just about my experience, it’s also a reminder that life is too short to be boring – make every day an opportunity to play! You’re amazing, embrace your individuality, and dare to explore – there’s always something exciting just around the corner.

Till next time lovelies! #tututuesday #RouellesNormandie #ParisianChic

Now, time to share some photos! Check out my Instagram feed for more pics of my Tutu Tuesday adventure - @ChloeDownUnder

  • Here's my Tutu Tuesday top tips for your next Parisian Adventure:
  • **Plan ahead.** Booking a dance class ahead of time is usually best practice, especially in peak seasons. Many places, like studios, offer trial sessions.
  • **Embrace the local style.** I loved incorporating a little bit of vintage fashion into my Parisian adventure! Look out for vintage shops. The key here is to pick a style you feel good and confident in.
  • **Keep your eyes open for hidden gems!** This applies not just to tutu shops (a little tricky!) but to exploring Paris’ cobblestone alleys - so much is tucked away! Sometimes it’s the places we least expect that surprise us.
  • **Pack smart, but pack light.** My advice? Don’t pack a big bulky travel suitcase. Remember, less is more. That said, I always bring some staples – comfy shoes are a must, some everyday wardrobe essentials (maybe a simple pair of jeans), and an essential travel-size outfit just for when you’re going out.

Until next time lovelies! And happy Tutu Tuesday!