
Tutu Tuesday in Dubbo, New South Wales #tututuesday Hey everyone, Itā€™s your favourite ballet-obsessed Aussie chick here, back with another #tututuesday post, this time from the beautiful town of Dubbo, New South Wales! Now, you might think, ā€œTutus in Dubbo? Whatā€™s there to see?!ā€ But trust me, thereā€™s more to this outback gem than meets the eye. It might not be Sydney Opera House, but thereā€™s a growing appreciation for dance here in the bush, and today, Iā€™m here to celebrate that, with a whole lot of tutu love, naturally. Dubbo has a vibrant arts scene, and while they might not have a professional ballet company, they have a plethora of dance schools, workshops and even a dedicated ballet teacher or two. And while I was here, I discovered that Tutu Tuesday is more than just a fun social media hashtag in Dubbo - it's a real thing! It all started at one of the local dance schools. The teachers decided to dedicate one day a week to encourage the little ones to twirl in their finest tutus. Imagine the excitement ā€“ the room bursting with colour and feathers! From delicate, powder-pink Romantic tutus, perfect for those first steps into the world of ballet, to bold and modern tutu variations, there's a style for every young ballerina. I couldnā€™t resist joining in on the tutu fun, so I dug out my trusty tutu ā€“ a classic white Romantic, the ultimate statement piece ā€“ and met up with some of the local students and teachers for a little impromptu photo shoot. **Here's what we found, making #tututuesday a real blast:** * **The Local Talent:** These little ones, just starting out on their dance journey, are amazing. They may be small, but they have such huge personalities and an infectious enthusiasm for dance, it just melts your heart. Itā€™s wonderful to see them discovering their own creative flair through ballet. I spent the morning playing ballerina dress-up with the youngest lot - giggling, practicing pliĆ©s, and learning their favorite steps. It's not just the physical aspect of ballet that excites them, it's the sense of wonder and story that unfolds when they're in costume and twirling away! * **The Power of the Tutu:** Seeing these girls in their tutus, radiating confidence and a true love for their craft, reminded me why ballet is such a beautiful art form. Tutus have an incredible power, a sort of magic to them. A simple fabric, carefully crafted to create this iconic silhouette, can transport you into a world of imagination, expression and creativity. Even on the hottest days in the outback, it seems these girls never let the magic of ballet fade! * **Supporting Dance in the Bush:** I had a lovely conversation with one of the teachers at the local dance school. It really highlighted how crucial these dance spaces are, especially in regional areas like Dubbo. These are spaces where kids can be themselves, unleash their creativity, develop a strong work ethic, and maybe even find their passion for life. A true inspiration, these teachers work so hard to bring dance to young people who may not have access to similar opportunities elsewhere. * **Bringing Ballet to Dubbo:** This day made me reflect on how much I love ballet and the joy it can bring. While many Australians assume ballet is a metropolitan pursuit, its impact reaches far beyond city limits. Seeing a community embrace this art form, celebrating the beauty and discipline that ballet brings, was absolutely heartwarming. And witnessing how tutu magic has reached the outback ā€“ now thatā€™s something worth celebrating! Dubbo might be known for its wide-open spaces and red dust, but thanks to the passion of local dancers and the magic of the tutu, a new appreciation for the grace and elegance of ballet is taking root in the outback. Now, let's hear it for the Dubbo dancers, rocking those tutus in the heart of Australia. #tututuesday! Donā€™t forget to check out my Instagram for more tutu inspiration from Dubbo! See you next time, Your #tututuesday friend!