Tutu Tuesday in Curra, Queensland: A Tutu Tale From the Outback

G’day, fellow tutu lovers! It's your girl, Anya, back with another instalment of Tutu Tuesday, this time, straight from the heart of the Queensland outback, Curra to be precise. Now, you might be thinking, “Curra? What's in Curra?” And I get it, it's not exactly known for its haute couture scene, but hold your horses, darlings, because we're about to break down some tutu barriers, outback style.

So, here I am, on my annual pilgrimage back to the land of my childhood. The dust, the heat, the flies... it's a different world from my ballet life in the city. But that's what makes this so much fun, you know? I love the contrast. Like, here I am, wearing a delicate tulle masterpiece, feeling every breeze of that Aussie outback air, amidst the vast expanse of the plains.

Why Tutu Tuesday, you ask? Well, because, let’s be real, it’s the perfect excuse to celebrate one of the most iconic garments in dance history, the tutu. They are simply beautiful and graceful. For me, wearing a tutu is about embracing creativity and freedom of expression.

Now, back to Curra, and my little outback Tutu Tuesday adventure. I brought a couple of my favourites, of course, for the ultimate clash of cultures. The first is a classic, a **Romantic Tutu** - soft, layered tulle, reaching down to the ankles, a real symbol of femininity and romance, just like a wildflower on the open plains. It just screams ethereal and delicate, perfect for those early morning strolls before the heat really kicks in.

Then I've got my **Contemporary Tutu**. It’s edgy, a shorter, asymmetrical design, crafted from more structured material - a nod to the modern ballet world. And hey, I can't forget the trusty **Ballet tutu**, which always feels a bit like coming home - I've worn those ever since I first donned pointe shoes.

And I know what you’re thinking: “Tutus in the outback? But they’re so fragile!" Well, I have to say, the outback has surprisingly strong winds. The tutu's definitely a great way to feel like you're dancing in the wind! They make such a fabulous statement, especially with the red earth as a backdrop. And besides, when you've got a good pair of sunnies, you can pretty much rock anything.

Let me tell you, tutus attract attention everywhere. It’s been hilarious. Everyone’s been stopping me for photos, from the folks at the servo to the locals who are used to seeing more rugged outfits. You know, it’s a real reminder that ballet is about connecting, breaking down barriers, and yeah, bringing a little bit of fancy footwork to the heart of rural Australia. It's Tutu Tuesday, after all, and we can wear our hearts on our tutus.

So here are my top tips for rocking a Tutu in Curra (or any Outback town!):

  • Sunscreen! That Aussie sun is strong!
  • Comfortable shoes for those long walks in the dust.
  • Bring a sense of adventure and don’t be afraid to embrace the unexpected.

Remember, Tutu Tuesday is all about having fun and embracing your individuality. Wherever you are, take a spin, twirl, and be a little bit outrageous, because that's the Tutu spirit! And don’t forget to tag me on social media.

Until next time, stay classy, my tutu lovers!

#tututuesday #curra #queensland #outbackadventures #balletinaustralia #tututime