Tutu Tuesday in Myrtleford, Victoria: A Dance of Colour and Joy #tututuesday

G'day, fellow fashionistas and dance enthusiasts! It's your girl, Chloe, back with another Tutu Tuesday, this time from the charming town of Myrtleford in Victoria. As a dancer, there's no better feeling than slipping into a tutu – it’s like stepping into a magical world of pirouettes and pas de bourrĂ©e.

And this week, the Tutu Tuesday mood was a vibrant blend of colour and creativity. I decided to channel my inner ballerina in a stunning blush-pink tutu with a classic romantic silhouette. Its soft tulle flowed beautifully as I twirled through the charming streets of Myrtleford, greeting locals and sharing my passion for the art of dance.

From the picturesque gardens at the Myrtleford Botanical Gardens to the charming streets of the main town centre, it was an adventure filled with fun and fashion. Let’s dive into the day’s highlights, shall we?

Morning: A Glimpse into Dance History

My day began at the Myrtleford Historical Society. Imagine a museum filled with captivating stories of ballet's history in Australia. I learned that Myrtleford holds a surprising amount of history within the world of ballet!

The Society curator told me about how during the late 1800s, many young women from Myrtleford had started receiving formal ballet lessons through visiting instructors. They then shared these skills through recreational performances, contributing to a small but important part of Australian dance culture. I'm now researching how to explore this rich history further and can't wait to share the results.

Lunch Break: Indulging in Myrtleford's Delights

No dance journey is complete without a delicious meal. I opted for lunch at the quirky cafe “The Twisted Teapot”, with its cute outdoor seating area, perfect for tutu twirls, and even allowed photoshoots!

The teapot theme wasn't just about aesthetics. My favourite dish? A delectable ‘Queen’s Cake’. (It came with a royal-blue topping! You’re telling me it wasn't destined for my tutu Tuesday outfit?). This cake felt like a regal tribute to the dancers of all eras! The cafĂ© owner was a charming man with a delightful backstory of starting up this business thanks to a love of baking for his ballet-loving granddaughter. It's amazing to discover connections between dance and everyday life!

Afternoon: Tutu Fun and Games!

The highlight of my Myrtleford adventure? The community dance session organised by the local Dance Studio. I was blown away by their enthusiasm for dance! We learned some classic ballet steps like a pliĂ©, tendu, and relevĂ©. Imagine 30 people of all ages, rocking those tutus (they’d hired out a collection of gorgeous white tutus - what a dream) and laughing as we attempted those intricate footwork movements!


There’s something about that shared joy of dance that transcends age and experience, making me appreciate that the magic of ballet truly can bring everyone together. And, as an extra perk, I even managed to win the “most creative spin” award in the dance session!

Evening: A Starry Ballet Sky

It felt fitting to end my Tutu Tuesday with a sunset stroll by Myrtleford’s famous, historic Lake Sambell. The lake, like a mirror, reflected the orange-hued sky and the silhouette of nearby mountains, creating a breathtaking picture postcard moment. You know I couldn’t resist incorporating my tutu into this picturesque scene. After all, ballet and nature are always in perfect harmony.

Tutu Tuesday Style Tips

  • For a tutu that’s “a real head-turner”, go for an “en pointe” look with a romantic tutu! If you have a preference, look out for tulle styles like the classic ballet, puffy tutu. Think fluffy, dreamlike tulle with plenty of layers, reminiscent of traditional ballet outfits!
  • Choose a tutu in a vibrant colour, it makes an ideal pop against any kind of landscape, just like mine!
  • Remember to embrace your personal style with the right tutu for YOU. Whether you like it classic and short, fluffy and multi-layered, or more of a fitted contemporary feel, you're bound to discover your perfect tutu that brings out your unique fashion sense.
  • I would also recommend incorporating accessories that complement the chosen tutu, but I’ll dedicate a future post to that!

That’s all for this Tutu Tuesday from Myrtleford, Victoria, fellow fashionistas. Until next time, keep those twirls going!

Don't forget to share your Tutu Tuesday moments with me using #tututuesday and tag me in your photos! I love seeing your creativity.