Rutherglen Rocks Tutu Tuesday

Okay, darlings, so you know how much I love a good Tutu Tuesday, right? It’s like my own personal ritual of reclaiming the dance floor, even if it's just the one in my flat. But this week was extra special. Because I decided to take my tutu obsession on the road, or rather, to Rutherglen. Now, I know what you're thinking - Rutherglen? Not exactly the hub of fashion, is it? Well, that's where you're wrong. Rutherglen, my dears, has a hidden gem of a dance school that I just had to visit on my #tututuesday pilgrimage.

Let me tell you, stepping into the dance studio was like entering a magical, ethereal realm. Imagine sunshine filtering through stained glass windows, the smell of lavender and sweat, and the most beautiful, most intricately-pleated tutus hanging like fluffy clouds on the walls. This was not just any dance school, darlings, this was a tutu sanctuary. And guess what? They had an open class for all levels, tutu-clad or otherwise. Of course, I had my own pièce de résistance – a stunning blush pink tutu, complete with an asymmetric bodice and layers of soft tulle, because it's not #tututuesday without a little bit of flair, now is it?

I must say, the dancers there were amazing. I’m not talking about professionally trained prima ballerinas – we had mums and dads, teenagers, grannies and even a little boy, maybe 5 years old, rocking out in his tiny tutus, a sight that warmed my heart. Seeing that much enthusiasm and passion, it really showed me that ballet isn't just a discipline or a performance, it's a celebration of movement, joy, and creativity. The whole atmosphere was electrifying.

We did some classic ballet barre work, swung our legs in a pirouette or two and even attempted a couple of grand jetés. It was honestly quite exhilarating, even if I felt a bit like a dinosaur after 10 minutes. You see, even this seasoned ballerina still needs some warming up after months of sitting at a computer, don’t we all!

As a side note, darling, let's talk tutu styles for a second, because, like the world's best handbags, they're so varied and versatile. There's the romantic, soft-tulle confection like my pink one, the dramatic, high-volume, more gothic ones that would make Black Swan proud, and of course, the quintessential, iconic classical tutu, a timeless piece of art.

The one thing that unites them all, is the pure joy that comes with wearing a tutu. There’s something liberating, playful, and a little bit naughty about twirling around in a tutu. Maybe it's a little piece of childhood magic that we all hold onto.

Now, while I was getting my Tutu Tuesday on, the students were going through a really cool choreographed routine. The choreographer, a young and inspiring artist herself, was playing some funky music from the 1980s, with its snappy beat and synthesizer solos, you know, Madonna and the like! It was brilliant, the students seemed to really love it, and there was even a little shimmy in their step. Talk about modern interpretations! The whole place was a kaleidoscope of colours, a celebration of individuality, and sheer artistic joy.

If you want a little bit of ballet, a whole lot of fun, and a healthy dose of "Tutu Tuesday" in your life, then get yourself down to Rutherglen. Trust me, it's not just a dance school; it's a movement, an experience, a joy. I promise, even if you've never worn a tutu before, you'll feel like you've finally come home!

And remember, darlings, it's always #tututuesday somewhere. So grab your tutu, unleash your inner dancer and celebrate your joy! Until next week, let’s keep on dancing.

Here's my little round-up of Rutherglen's hidden Tutu Tuesday gem:

  • Location: The Dance Studio, 23, Main Street, Rutherglen.
  • Classes: All levels are welcome and the teachers are fantastic. You can sign up for ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, even ballroom, whatever your pleasure!
  • Tutus: They're not a requirement, darling, but highly recommended! You can bring your own, or I heard they have a few for sale if you fancy starting a new collection.
  • Website: Check their website for upcoming events, classes and schedules. I know they have open classes for all levels on Tuesdays so there's nothing stopping you joining me.

Have you got any favourite spots for #tututuesday? Or a favourite tutu in your collection? Don't forget to share your pics with me!