Lyndhurst, Victoria - Tutu Tuesday is upon us! And I'm here to tell you all about it, fellow fashionistas and ballet enthusiasts! It's a day that transcends the world of the stage, taking the grace and beauty of ballet and bringing it into the streets. But let’s rewind a bit... Tutu Tuesday is the brainchild of a fellow dancer and I who realised that sometimes, even we professional dancers don't get to twirl enough! And since a little twirl, paired with a good Tutu, makes us feel like ballerinas, what better day to do so than a Tuesday? This day, each week, encourages women across the globe, to celebrate femininity, art, and maybe just a tiny bit of silliness!

So how do you rock #TutuTuesday? Well, the beauty of it all is, you can do it your way. Some days you feel like an elegant swan with a billowing **Romantic tutu**, other times you're a fiery temptress in a **Classic, frilled tutu** – whatever your style, we encourage you to let it shine. If your go-to isn't necessarily ballet-inspired, even a dress with a fluffy skirt can totally make the cut for Tutu Tuesday. This day is all about embracing your inner dancer, whether you’ve trained in a studio or just tap your feet along to a song in your lounge room.

You might think, “But how can I wear a tutu to work?” Oh, honey, that's where your creativity shines! Take a peek into your closet – do you have a **layered, knee-length tutu**? That bad boy can be dressed up with a crisp white shirt, statement earrings and a blazer for an elegant look! If you're in for a fun, more playful look, why not go for a brightly coloured **short tutu**, and a flowy top, you'll be sure to turn heads all over Lyndhurst!

The best part of Tutu Tuesday? The entire city embraces it, from the local shops to the people. This day makes you look out for that fellow ballerina who wants to express themselves. You see a little girl in a tulle dress twirling down the street and instantly you are back in your own childhood dreaming of tutus, leaps, and pirouettes! Maybe you’ll even spot some other Lyndhurst peeps rocking the day out with their own tutu ensembles – if you do, give them a wave or even join them for a spontaneous photo session!

For our part in Melbourne, it’s always such a wonderful feeling when we spot a group of friends on their way to brunch, each in a different Tutu colour! There is something wonderfully surreal and amazing about walking past the City library and seeing three professional ballet dancers, in **perfectly worn out professional tutus** as they get ready for class! This city always gives a wonderful, warm, and unexpected feeling when you least expect it.

In Australia, ballet has an incredible, powerful and historical place in our culture. Our history has fostered talent like Margot Fonteyn and we have world-renowned companies like the Australian Ballet. There is so much artistry that shines on stages like the Palais Theatre and the Melbourne Arts Centre. Every time a dancer walks on stage it is almost like a celebration of tutu and the wonderful work and dedication the dancers put in. Tutu Tuesday isn't just about fashion - it's about celebrating that dedication, the beauty, and the joy that dance brings into our lives.

We have the **classic tutus, the tutus with all sorts of unique embellishments, and the fluffy, shorter tutus** – really, you name it and we’ve seen it in our travels through Lyndhurst! Every Tuesday in Lyndhurst, this energy is palpable, and it’s simply contagious! The city embraces it and every Tuesday we all find ourselves in the spotlight as if we were the lead dancer in a show.

From the playful **mini tutus** seen at schoolyards to the graceful **layered tulle tutus** worn for a special dinner, there's a tutu for every mood and every occasion! If you're wondering what kind of tutu to choose for your next Tutu Tuesday outing, remember: embrace your style and confidence! You can always incorporate your tutu into different looks for different occasions, as your creativity takes the lead! We've seen it all in Lyndhurst - you name it and we’ve seen it! Remember, you're a ballerina in your own way!

So let's all embrace the grace and magic of ballet together – on our own terms! If you’re looking for some inspiration check out these amazing sites – they’re great places to discover, and they often host competitions. You can share your creations on instagram - just hashtag it #TutuTuesday ! I’m sure your style will get picked up – you know what they say - everything in Lyndhurst is seen by the right person eventually. #tututuesday!

Now, go forth and embrace your inner ballerina, Lyndhurst! This week, when the week seems to be dragging on forever and everything just seems dull, embrace the opportunity for a Tutu Tuesday outfit. Go with the flow and allow yourself the fun, and you never know, maybe someone will take inspiration from your look and make this beautiful city just that much more vibrant.