Tutu Tuesday in Liverpool: A City Embracing the Power of the Pointe

Hello my darlings! It’s your girl, Clara, and I’m buzzing to tell you all about this phenomenal, magical, tutu-licious experience that was #TutuTuesday in Liverpool. I’ve been blessed to grace the stage of this historic city countless times, but I've never seen it this way – utterly captivating. What a glorious display of tulle and artistry!

This week, Liverpool, known for its gritty charm and unwavering musical legacy, got a serious dose of elegance. And no, I'm not talking about a Beatles reunion. Let’s be clear, this is a dance revolution! You see, the whole city turned a shade of blush, pink and cream - thanks to the initiative that turned #TutuTuesday into a cultural celebration!

First things first, you have to understand this: Liverpool is a city brimming with history and spirit. And this #TutuTuesday initiative gave the city a completely new energy, the kind of positive disruption that puts a fresh face on a well-loved place.

So, what actually went down? Imagine this, if you will: a day where doctors and shopkeepers and students, even those Liverpool cabbies with their gruff exterior, all sport tutus with smiles on their faces. A city that hums with an unspoken collective "I-feel-fantastic" vibe. This is #TutuTuesday Liverpool. It’s pure joy! It’s empowerment!

The day started with a whirlwind of social media, and my oh my, the snaps and stories flooded my feed, a visual ballet of the city. Everyone was wearing them: the iconic **classic romantic tutus** with their frothy layers, the **layered tutus** like a whirlwind of elegance and movement. Even the **pastel-toned poetic tutus** were spotted with some ladies opting for a splash of colour. Some sported **contemporary tutus** in striking geometric forms, the perfect expression of this modern age! Even **petit tutus**, those adorable mini versions, made an appearance, the cuteness just melting everyone’s hearts. It was truly a magical, inspiring sight.

Everywhere I looked in Liverpool, I saw this radiant optimism. People on the streets were snapping pics, giggling and enjoying the little joy of #TutuTuesday. Liverpool's art galleries and shops had also hopped on the tutu train with their unique display windows featuring tutu-adorned mannequins, a sight I never expected. The whole city was brimming with excitement!

Here’s what got me most: It wasn’t about perfection; it was about the audacity of simply embracing the unexpected. Some wore their tutus with fierce confidence; others sported them with a charming sense of humour. Either way, every individual embraced the playful spirit, breaking free from conventional norms, even if it was for a day. That, for me, was the real magic.

Here’s the real deal: #TutuTuesday wasn’t about a ballet performance (although a spontaneous street flash mob wouldn't be a bad thing, wink, wink!). It was a social movement that challenged the city to laugh, to create, to express themselves. It showed us all that sometimes, all you need is a bit of whimsy to bring out the very best in people.

I, of course, did my bit to honour #TutuTuesday. Imagine a chic ballet dancer in her fave tutu, prancing around the Liverpool streets, getting into conversations with curious passersby, maybe sharing some impromptu tips on "the plié." It was truly delightful. And it goes to show: you never know what fun adventure life can bring, especially when it’s wrapped up in tulle.

The impact? It was beyond incredible! #TutuTuesday ignited conversations about individuality, art and self-expression, bringing the people of Liverpool together in a vibrant explosion of shared laughter and creativity. For me, that was the true win.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on that tutu, channel your inner ballerina, and let your confidence and joie de vivre shine through. The world needs more #Tutuesday moments. Get involved! I can’t wait to see the fabulous tutus across the globe empowering women (and men!) in a bold new dance.

With a twirl and a smile,


P.S. I have to give a big shout-out to the lovely ladies of "Liverpool Arts Hub" for kickstarting the entire #TutuTuesday phenomenon. Their energy was simply contagious. You’re all my favourite pointe-shoe fairies!