Tutu Tuesday in Springfield, Manitoba: A Dance with Fashion

Hey everyone, it's your favourite Winnipeg girl, back with another #tututuesday blog post! It's been a whirlwind week, what with the ballet studio getting ready for the winter recital and, you know, just life in general. But, there's nothing quite like a bit of tutu-infused fashion inspiration to brighten up even the busiest day.

So, gather 'round my fellow dance enthusiasts, for today we're taking our #tututuesday fashion journey to a town a little further afield, a hidden gem of Manitoban charm - Springfield!

I recently took a road trip with some fellow dancers up to Springfield, for a weekend workshop at a smaller ballet school in the area. You guys know I love nothing more than experiencing different communities and seeing the beauty in ballet across Canada, from coast to coast to coast! This school, while much smaller than our Winnipeg one, has a vibrant and enthusiastic spirit - the kind that fills your heart with inspiration. And you know what else filled my heart with inspiration?

The tutus!

Let me tell you, the students there are absolutely *rocking* the tutus, with an eclectic and fabulous array of styles that make my dance-loving heart flutter. From the classic and timeless romantic tutus with their delicate, flowing layers to the contemporary, more modern styles with their sharp angles and bold colours, there was something to catch everyone's eye. They weren't afraid to push the boundaries with fabrics and textures, either, and there was a certain playful, creative spirit to how the tutus were being incorporated into the school's performances and even everyday outfits!

Speaking of styles, I can't not mention the **paquita tutus**! Oh my goodness, there's just something about the bouncy, playful design, that evokes a certain 'whimsical and full of life' kind of feeling, perfect for a spring ballet piece, right?! And even better, they looked like so much fun to wear!

I definitely felt a surge of nostalgia when I saw a couple of the girls in the classic, romantic **sylphides**-style tutus, all airy, light and graceful with layers of tulle and those romantic little bodices. They definitely made me miss my own time dancing in those beautiful tutus! I'm starting to feel that urge for some serious twirling in a sylphides, now that I think about it... Maybe that's an idea for our next #tututuesday post! Hmmm...

But enough about my daydreams about dancing in beautiful tutus - we need to stay focused on Springfield! I was struck by the sheer dedication to ballet and the passion the students had for their art, something that's clearly woven into the fabric of their community. They're truly an inspiration to everyone who loves this incredible art form. And of course, their fearless love for tutus and the diverse styles they're embracing is nothing short of captivating!

Now, I'm not one to leave a fashion-forward experience unexplored. Here are a few top tutu tips that I gathered from my time in Springfield, Manitoba, that might just inspire you to take a few stylish twirls of your own:

  • Think beyond the studio. Okay, we all know that a tutu's first love is the ballet studio, but these days they are absolutely owning the streets. You see them worn as part of outfits, for street fashion and everyday looks - which I absolutely adore! And who says they can't be used to spice up your workout look or even thrown over a pair of leggings? The sky's the limit, darling! Just be creative!
  • Tutus and a casual look: A winning combo? Absolutely! Let's just say it again: who says tutus have to be confined to the dance studio or stage? With the right combination, tutus can work with casual streetwear looks, and that is simply stunning. Let me tell you, seeing students rocking tutus paired with a cozy hoodie, cool denim jacket or even a sleek bomber was *chef's kiss*!. I just love the effortless, yet playful, sense of style. And when done right, the contrast adds another layer of magic to the overall aesthetic.
  • Layer your look with a tutu. And by layer, I don't mean another tutu! I'm talking about textures, colours and styles. Whether you want a more boho-chic vibe or something edgier and more urban-inspired, there's a way to use layering to make a tutu a unique and beautiful part of your outfit. Tutus look *amazing* as part of a layered look with oversized shirts, chunky sweaters and jackets! It's the perfect way to add a hint of whimsy and grace to an otherwise everyday look.
  • Choose your style wisely. Not all tutus are created equal, my dear. The style you choose for your look should always reflect your personal taste and the mood you want to create. Whether you prefer the romantic elegance of a classic tutu, the playful energy of a **paquita tutu** or something modern and edgy with more abstract styling, make sure to pick a tutu that aligns with your unique sense of fashion.
  • Have fun with colour! When it comes to tutus, there are no limits when it comes to color. It's one of those fashion pieces that truly invites you to express your individuality, and that can be so much fun to explore. I think that's something we could all learn from. The more colour and excitement in your outfit, the more interesting the vibe and style!

And now for a bonus tip: The tutus you see worn by dancers are sometimes carefully chosen and made just for that performance. So, I’d say that your best bet for fashion is to go and find one made for fashion – at a costume shop or an online store that sells dancewear. That way you’re guaranteed that it’s sturdy and designed to have a long lifespan (unless you happen to really wear it out from all the wearing you'll be doing!

Overall, this little excursion to Springfield really was a reminder that there's no place that isn't touched by the magic of ballet - and the even greater magic of tutu-tastic fashion. From the smaller studios tucked away in every corner of our amazing Canada, to the larger cities, there’s a sense of unity within the dance world, something truly special. As I write this post, I'm just reminded how amazing the community in Springfield was - they were truly welcoming and enthusiastic, and it definitely left a lasting impact.

So, I invite you to get inspired, take a twirl, experiment with style, and unleash your inner dance diva – whatever that might look like! It's time to bring a touch of sparkle and flair to your day. Until next time, dance with fashion, darlings!

#tututuesday #tutus #ballet #canadianfashion #dancefashion #fashion #style