Tutu Tuesday in Ormstown, Quebec: A Whirlwind of Tulle and Tradition

It’s officially #Tututuesday and you know what that means… time for some tulle, twirls, and a healthy dose of Canadian ballet pride. For those of you who don’t know, #Tututuesday is a weekly tradition started by dancers around the globe, a chance to share our love for ballet and the iconic tutu.

I’m writing this post straight from Ormstown, a quaint town tucked away in Quebec’s lush countryside, a spot that, you might be surprised to learn, boasts a lively and dedicated ballet community. Today, I’m channeling that love for dance into a little blog post, hoping to bring some of the #Tututuesday magic your way.

Being a ballerina in Canada can be challenging. Our Canadian ballet landscape is ever-evolving. We are brimming with passionate talent but facing some unique hurdles. It's an exciting, yet sometimes, uphill battle, but I find it a thrilling dance, both literally and metaphorically!

Back to Ormstown! Today’s outfit is all about embracing the classical roots of the tutu while injecting a touch of Canadian flair. My pick: a stunning white tutu with layers upon layers of tulle, creating a classic, graceful silhouette. It’s a design inspired by the elegance of the Swan Lake tutu but with a contemporary twist. Instead of the usual delicate ribbons and sequins, this beauty boasts accents inspired by Quebec’s indigenous heritage – you’ll see subtle hints of woven beading, reminiscent of the intricate beadwork featured in indigenous artistry. It's a subtle homage, a gentle nod to the vibrant tapestry of cultures that makes Canada so unique.

It’s about channeling those traditions and heritage into contemporary pieces.

The great thing about the #Tututuesday movement is its adaptability. There's no one "right" way to wear a tutu – whether it’s the classical, the contemporary, the romantic, or even a bit of fun, edgy punk!

To bring a touch of Ormstown’s beauty to my #Tututuesday look, I've paired my tutu with a denim jacket. This simple addition provides a casual counterpoint to the tulle's drama. And because today’s outfit is about classic style and modern touches, I added some playful accessories. I found the cutest, maple-leaf-shaped earrings, a subtle nod to Canada's beloved symbol, and, in keeping with the local flavor, paired my outfit with a chunky knit sweater with a hand-knitted pattern. (These warm winter items help me remember that ballet is a full-body dance - and a tough one in winter conditions!),

And let’s be honest, with all that tulle, the most important thing is keeping warm, especially with Canada’s sometimes challenging winter weather! My tip is layering.

Okay, onto the real #tututuesday treat, some tutu trivia.

A Peek at Tutu Styles
  • The romantic tutu is all about ethereal beauty. It has layers upon layers of soft, flowing tulle. It’s a dream of airy elegance, best suited to roles where delicate beauty and ethereal grace are key.
  • The classical tutu: The quintessential ballerina look! Its construction, short and form-fitting, is specifically designed to emphasize the ballerina’s physique, allowing for breathtaking spins and impressive jumps. If you're thinking ballet, this tutu is probably the first thing that pops into your mind.
  • The contemporary tutu, which retains some of the iconic structure of the classic design but embraces contemporary materials and cuts.

When it comes to tutus, whether it's #Tututuesday or any other day, a ballerina never gets tired of swirling those layers. So what’s your #tututuesday style?

Until next #tututuesday, keep twirling.