
Tutu Tuesday in Inuvik, Northwest Territories: A Whirlwind of Pointe Shoes and Northern Lights

Okay, so Inuvik, Northwest Territories might not be the first place that pops into your head when you think of ballet. But trust me, fashion and dance are alive and well even in this frozen, arctic wonderland. This past Tuesday, as I bundled up in my warmest layers, I found myself caught in a mini-whirlwind of tutus!

It all started with a chat with my bestie, Sarah, who, let's just say, loves a good costume. Sheโ€™s a big fan of the whimsical style of tutus, with the kind that poof out like fluffy clouds. We'd been talking about this amazing Tutu Tuesday trend, where people all over the world put on their tutus and take pictures. We even found a Facebook group full of passionate people rocking their tutus. You could say the group's filled with tutu enthusiasts! Sarah convinced me to join in โ€“ you know how she is, super persuasive, and she gets me hooked on her creative ideas. I couldn't resist! It sounded like a fantastic way to inject a little bit of whimsy into our wintery routine, right? So we decided to make Inuvik our very own Tutu Tuesday haven.

We set out to spread the tutu love to all corners of Inuvik, armed with our cameras and smiles. First stop was the famous Inuvik sign - You know, the one that welcomes folks to the "Capital of the Arctic" with those bright yellow letters? We grabbed some hilarious shots in front of it, tutu-clad against the snowy backdrop. It felt pretty iconic!

Our next stop was the Aurora Viewing Deck - a magical place where the Northern Lights dance across the sky, casting a shimmering spectacle above the world. Let me tell you, with those mesmerizing lights, it felt like a real-life ballet performance right before our eyes! We were even lucky enough to catch a show of green and purple aurora, a sight I will never forget! As the magical lights twirled and danced in the sky, Sarah and I, adorned in our twirling tutus, took advantage of the enchanting scenery for a little photoshoot. You should've seen our happy expressions; I'm pretty sure my smile would have made it through the Aurora borealis to another dimension.

And you know what's even more incredible? As we danced and twirled around, people started to gather around the deck. There were young and old, kids and adults. Everyone wanted to capture a piece of the unique atmosphere and embrace the fun. I felt this wave of joy radiating from everyone; we were all connected through a shared love for dance, laughter, and the beautiful Arctic night sky! I even overheard a local grandmother telling her granddaughter how ballet has been popular in Canada since forever, and how it continues to enchant us all, whether you're a seasoned dancer like myself, or just someone appreciating the joy it brings. And that, my friends, is something that never gets old!

Next, we hit up the local bakery. Oh, and trust me, the fresh-baked goodies and smell of cinnamon buns were worth a standing ovation! The staff there were super supportive. They were wearing tutus, too! Even the owner jumped in with a classic black and pink tutu for the occasion. Talk about some serious enthusiasm!

It wasn't just the bakery; everywhere we went in Inuvik that night, people had an infectious sense of joy and wonder. You could feel it in the air, this genuine delight. We chatted with fellow tutu-clad friends, danced on the sidewalk, even snapped a few pictures with folks just walking by. A few people stopped by, curious about our tutu mission, and, let's be honest, probably impressed by our incredible outfit choices!

We weren't the only ones spreading the tutu cheer. People at the Inuvik Tourist Centre, a local coffee shop, and even at the town hall had embraced the playful spirit of the day, wearing all sorts of tutus, from classic pouffy ones to sleek and modern designs. Some folks even improvised, putting together tutu outfits using whatever fabrics they had around! That, to me, shows a deep sense of community, the kind of spirit that makes me proud to be Canadian. Weโ€™re known for our friendliness and willingness to get involved. And what better way to get involved than by wearing a tutu?

At the end of the night, Sarah and I decided to do one last tutu twirl at the Inuvik Airport, right before I headed home. That's where the truly Canadian element kicked in. Picture this: a beautiful Northern Lights spectacle as our backdrop, snowflakes twirling around us, a tutu on, a hot cup of Tim Hortons in hand, a wide grin on my face โ€“ it was perfection.

I want you to take this in. In the middle of a frosty, Arctic setting, this magical dance was happening all thanks to the simple idea of putting on a tutu. We created this unforgettable experience, and even inspired others to join us. Our tutu Tuesday escapade reminded me just how simple it can be to bring joy to ourselves and to others. And that's what Tutu Tuesday is all about - spreading that spark of fun and laughter. It reminds us all that a little whimsy and joy goes a long way, especially in the most unexpected places, like the frozen wilderness of Inuvik, Northwest Territories.

And, of course, if you ever find yourself in Inuvik, and it's a Tuesday, remember: Put on your favourite tutu, snap some photos, and let's make Inuvik the Tutu Tuesday capital of the world. The northern lights will light up our faces, the wind will carry our twirls, and the Arctic night sky will be the ultimate dance floor. Who needs a traditional stage, right?

So, here's to the future of Tutu Tuesdays!

Here are some tips for your own Tutu Tuesday in Inuvik:

  • Wear your warmest clothes! Trust me, the Arctic isn't always the warmest.
  • Wear comfortable shoes! Trust me, you'll be doing lots of walking and dancing.
  • Bring a camera! You'll want to capture all the fun.
  • Be creative! There's no wrong way to wear a tutu.
  • Most of all, have fun! That's the most important thing.

To find a tutu for your next Tutu Tuesday:

  • Check your local thrift shop: Sometimes you can find some amazing tutus for a great price.
  • Visit a dance shop: They often sell all sorts of beautiful tutus, but if you need help, ask the friendly staff.
  • Look online for tutu DIY ideas and learn to sew or find ready made tutus for affordable prices!

Get creative! Be your own tutu fashionista!

Be sure to use the hashtag #tututuesday and #tututuesdayinuvik for all your photos and posts. Share your amazing Tutu Tuesday experiences with everyone! Let's see those Canadian-made smiles all over your tutu-covered selves!