Tutu Tuesday in Northesk, New Brunswick: A Celebration of All Things Tutu! #tututuesday

Hey fellow dance lovers, it’s your girl, Sarah, your Canadian ballerina and tutu enthusiast, back again with another blog post! Today is a day I've been looking forward to all week: **Tutu Tuesday**! And, what better place to celebrate this beautiful piece of dance history than in the charming town of Northesk, New Brunswick.

Tutus. What are they? They're so much more than just a pretty piece of fabric, you know. They're symbols of grace, elegance, and the joy of dance. Every pirouette, every leap, every delicate footwork... the tutu embodies all that makes ballet so captivating.

Let's take a little trip down memory lane. There's the iconic, classic **Romantic Tutu**, the soft and layered masterpiece that gives ballerinas that ethereal floatiness. Or maybe you’re a fan of the **Bell Tutu**, which looks, you guessed it, like a bell. With its short and bell-shaped silhouette, it accentuates those spectacular leaps! Speaking of iconic, the **Demi Tutu**, also known as the **Romantic Demi Tutu**, blends elements of the Romantic and the Bell tutu and creates that beautifully dramatic flow on the stage. These are the classics that are staples in ballet. And we can’t forget those spectacular tutus made with dazzling costumes, and fabrics, like sequins, jewels and plumes.

Let's move beyond the history for a moment and talk about #tututuesday. I know that this Canadian ballet dancer, blogger and dance enthusiast isn’t the only one with a soft spot for tutus. If you’re following along with me, you’ll know that every Tuesday, I pick an activity based on all things dance and especially “all things tutus.”

To celebrate **Tutu Tuesday** in the beautiful, quaint little Northesk, New Brunswick, I decided to combine a ballet lesson and a little fashion show at a studio downtown.

It was such a fun afternoon! We had about 10 students - everyone had so much fun, from beginners to seasoned dancers. Everyone seemed excited to try on different styles of tutus. And I mean everyone from mothers and children to grandmothers and even a few grandfathers!

We started the day by watching videos about tutus. Did you know that some early tutus were made of 25 to 40 layers of fabric and were SO heavy that some dancers literally fell off stage??

The lesson covered a little ballet basics - pliĂ©s, tendus and maybe some elegant dĂ©gagĂ©s. To everyone's surprise we included a quick demonstration of how to jump in our tutus (something I’ll share with you guys in my next post!)! But even if you can’t do a leap or a jetĂ©, Tutus are about joy of dance and you can find ways to dance with tutus at home.

Once the basics were done, the fun really started. Each student was allowed to select a tutu from a collection of various colors and styles, then each did a mini-fashion show walk while wearing a chosen tutu - just enough for everyone to experience this amazing piece of dance history! It was such a fun and lighthearted moment, and there were definitely some adorable poses and spins. You can imagine the energy that came with those twirls!

And after our fun in the studio, we had some tea (with lots of little finger sandwiches), and cake (chocolate, of course!).

The #tututuesday activity in Northesk was such a success. I loved the energy, the positivity, the love for dance. We even took photos and, of course, we shared them on our social media! This is the magic of tutu, you guys! It can truly bring people together.

If you’re reading this and wondering if you want to plan your own tutu day or party in the spirit of #tututuesday, here are some things to consider:

  • Pick a date. #tututuesday is ideal but you can make your own fun tutu date!
  • Plan the fun. Will you have a dance lesson, a photo session, tea party? Don’t be afraid to make your event special and creative!
  • Think about how to showcase the tutus! You can use a fun music background, make some themed treats, or even plan a fashion show. The options are endless.
  • Gather the ladies! Or the gentlemen, for that matter. You can make it a girl’s night in, a fun date, or something that includes the whole family! Remember, everyone can have fun with a tutu, even without being a ballerina!
  • Most importantly - don't forget to enjoy it. Life's all about having a good time and sharing some fun with others! Don’t forget to tag #tututuesday.

This week was an incredible reminder of what makes tutus special – and also a great reminder that we need to keep the sparkle of dance alive in all its forms, no matter the form it takes! So thank you to everyone in Northesk, New Brunswick, and let's get that tutu magic going! #tututuesday