Tutu Tuesday in Coaldale, Alberta: A Celebration of Grace and Whimsy

Hey everyone, it's your girl, Blair, back with another #tututuesday blog post! Today, I'm taking you all on a whimsical journey through the heart of Coaldale, Alberta. You know, that small town known for its friendly faces and, surprise, surprise, it's thriving ballet scene! Now, before you picture tutus hanging from every storefront window, let's be realistic. It's not *quite* like that. But, that's where the magic of #tututuesday comes in – it's about taking everyday moments and infusing them with a dash of tutu-tastic fun!

I mean, come on, who doesn't love a little tutu action? And what better way to spread some ballerina cheer than to rock a tutu during a simple Tuesday, right? From the moment I stepped out of my car, I knew this town was special. The people here just *get it.* Maybe it's the crisp mountain air, or perhaps it's the sheer Canadianness that permeates the atmosphere, but Coaldale embraced the idea of #tututuesday with open arms. (And open dance studios, if you catch my drift!).

My day began at the local bakery, "Sweet Dreams." Now, I'm no stranger to a sweet treat, but let me tell you, the pastries here are heavenly! My fellow #tututuesday enthusiast, owner Susan, whipped up a custom-designed "Tutu Time" cake that looked good enough to eat (and I did!). It was adorned with edible mini-tutus and had me twirling with delight before even tasting it.

After my sugar rush, it was off to the "Coaldale Ballet Academy." Honestly, walking into this space was like stepping into a dancer's dream. The energy buzzed with enthusiasm, and the sound of classical music echoed through the hallways. The academy’s founder, the incredibly talented Miss Beatrice, greeted me with a warm smile and invited me to take a class. Naturally, I couldn’t resist! It was so inspiring to see all these young ballerinas, from tots to teens, so eager to learn. We were all a team in those tutus, spinning through our "pirouettes" and leaping into "jetĂ©s," each one of us channeling a unique form of grace. Even if, in my case, that "grace" sometimes involved a *lot* of giggles!

But #tututuesday wasn't just about ballet; it was about embracing the spirit of ballet—that passion, creativity, and sheer joy that the dance form embodies. And, that's where the *real* magic came in.

Let's face it, we Canadians have our fair share of *'eh?'* moments, right? You know those times where you're just living life and BAM! Something totally unexpected happens, leaving you questioning the very fabric of reality with a resounding, "Huh? 'Eh?" And well, let me tell you, #tututuesday in Coaldale was *full* of those moments. My favourite one involved the town’s beloved library.

Now, libraries are often seen as quiet, serious places, right? WRONG! In Coaldale, they've embraced the playful spirit of #tututuesday! It wasn’t unusual to spot librarians reading a storybook to a group of toddlers dressed in fluffy tutu-esque costumes. Heck, even the librarian’s dog was rocking a custom-made tiny tutu, joining in on the playful reading. I must say, I had never witnessed so many *paws-itive* reactions to "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." And who needs a picture book anyway when you have a librarian narrating "Swan Lake" with actual swan wings sewn into her book character costume?! This place had tutus for days. In every colour imaginable!

As the day unfolded, Coaldale truly showcased its charm and playful side, proving that even the smallest town in Alberta can rock a #tututuesday. Here are some of my favourite #tututuesday sightings that reminded me that this whole ballet and tutu thing isn't just a fancy fashion statement but a genuine expression of individuality and the simple joy of moving gracefully through life (even when you’re a little clumsy):

  • A mechanic with a tutu tied around his tool belt fixing a car - apparently a “tutu tight” connection!
  • A local coffee shop called "Tutus & Latte," serving up caffeine and tutu-themed pastries, making their own unique blend of #tututuesday
  • A farmer wearing a full-on tutu while tending his field, making me question what the #tututuesday hashtag actually represents

  • The Coaldale High School band members were wearing a tutu in their uniforms, as they took their break. One told me “it’s always good to have a tutu-tiful break.”

But Coaldale wasn't just about fun; it was about finding beauty in the everyday. It was about seeing the tutu beneath the ordinary. Whether it's the way the sun reflects on the fresh snow in winter, or the way a child laughs uncontrollably while building a snowman, there's a touch of tutu-magic in every little moment.

Coaldale is one for the books! For this blogger, this tutu-ful Tuesday journey in Alberta’s “Sunshine City” taught me to be open to the possibilities, to find grace in the unexpected, and most importantly, to never be afraid to put on a tutu, even if it's just for one day. Thanks to Coaldale for showing me how much magic a single #tututuesday can truly hold!