Tutu Tuesday in Hay River, Northwest Territories: A Celebration of Dance in the North

Hey everyone! It's your girl, Aurora, back with another #TutuTuesday post! I know what you're thinking: "Tutus in Hay River? Seriously?" But trust me, the spirit of dance knows no bounds, even up here in the frosty embrace of the Northwest Territories. It’s been an incredible adventure touring with the Northern Lights Ballet Company this month. We've been all over the territory, bringing a little bit of Parisian elegance to these charming, northern communities. The people have been absolutely incredible - welcoming us with open arms and so much warmth. It truly embodies the Canadian spirit - a mix of adventure and kind-heartedness.

The past week in Hay River has been especially unforgettable. There's something truly magical about performing on a stage overlooking the vast frozen expanse of Great Slave Lake. The raw beauty of the landscape inspires our movements, the silent, frosty air brings a sense of serenity, and the community's enthusiasm fuels our passion for ballet.

Yesterday was #TutuTuesday and we had a blast. The folks in Hay River embraced the occasion wholeheartedly, sporting their own variations of the tutu, from elegant tulle to whimsical homemade creations. We saw tutus in all shapes and sizes – long, flowing tulle tutus, short, cheeky versions, and even a couple of amazing tutus fashioned out of caribou fur ( talk about eco-friendly!).

It got me thinking about how diverse and expressive the tutu can be, I mean, there's a tutu out there for every taste! Some love the traditional, voluminous tulle "Romantic Tutu" style – a whirlwind of soft fabric, creating an ethereal effect as we pirouette. Others are drawn to the more contemporary “Modern Tutu,” crafted from stiffer materials and embracing modern designs. It really showcases how the tutu can evolve and transform.

We also did a quick "Tutu Time Capsule" for Hay River's archive – placing a few items of significance within the fabric folds of a special Tutu we'll hand down for posterity. It's a fun and unique way to celebrate a #Tututuesday that transcends the bounds of traditional ballet, capturing the vibrant essence of community and its spirit of embrace.

Speaking of community, Hay River really made us feel welcome. After our show, the town hall was buzzing with life. We sipped steaming mugs of hot cocoa with the locals and swapped stories about everything from the latest Canadian hockey game to their favorite homemade cookies. The connection we shared was incredibly heartwarming. And don't even get me started on their incredible moose burgers - a must-try for any visitor to the Northwest Territories!

I love the sense of community in Hay River, and their passion for celebrating #TutuTuesday makes me want to say: "Viva the Tutu!". It was such a beautiful expression of how dance and its expressive beauty can truly unite people, wherever they may be. Here's to more #Tututuesdays in unique and incredible places across Canada! Stay tuned, my lovely followers, as I journey across the breathtaking expanse of this incredible country! From the icy shores of the Northwest Territories to the warm, sun-kissed prairies of Saskatchewan, I'm ready for the next adventure! See you on the dance floor!"

  • A shoutout to Hay River! Your warmth and love for the dance world made this #TutuTuesday unforgettable!
  • What are your thoughts on tutu styles? Let's discuss in the comments!

P.S. I’m leaving a few photos of our Hay River adventures on my blog. Don’t forget to check them out!