Tutu Tuesday in Englehart, Ontario: A Tutu Tale for the Ages
Hey fellow dance enthusiasts, and anyone who appreciates a good tutu! It's your girl, Amelia here, reporting live from the heart of northern Ontario - Englehart, to be precise! We're about to embark on a sartorial adventure that will have you twirling with glee, so grab your favourite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into the world of tutus! This week's Tutu Tuesday is all about finding the perfect tutu for a special performance in this charming Canadian town. It's a story that weaves together dance, fashion, and the kind of heartwarming moments that remind you why ballet in Canada is so special. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Englehart? What kind of ballet scene is there in a town like that?" Well, let me tell you, it's brimming with passion and a whole lot of love for the art form! We might not have a major city's glittering dance scene, but the spirit of ballet thrives here just the same. There's something magical about a small community coming together to support the arts, and the folks in Englehart have got this magic in spades! The Canadian Ballet Company of Englehart has been around for over 40 years! Now, they’re celebrating their anniversary by staging a spectacular performance of *Swan Lake*, and they've asked me to choreograph and perform a new, modern interpretation of the famed *Black Swan*. Talk about pressure! It’s my first solo choreographic gig in this Canadian town! But I've got to say, my little dance studio in Englehart feels pretty magical today. My heart's already aflutter, even before stepping onto that stage.
Now, about the tutu situation: This whole "Black Swan" theme means I'm ditching the classic fluffy, layered tutus we usually associate with ballet. You won't find any poofy tulle or pastel colours here, my friends. Think bold, modern lines, sleek silhouettes. For a powerful, impactful *Black Swan* look, I’m going for something edgy and dramatic, which means this tutu is gonna have to speak for itself. The options have been swirling through my mind for weeks! A little bit of black lace, maybe some dramatic sheer fabric – a whole ensemble of fabrics. Oh, I almost forgot, I even considered a leather bodice paired with an interesting mesh skirt – talk about a dark, sleek ensemble, am I right? It’s certainly going to be a departure from the classic look. And the challenge lies in crafting something truly special that does the *Black Swan* character justice while incorporating the sleek, modern lines that we were going for in my piece.
Now, the great tutu hunt is officially underway! Thankfully, my dance friend - the lovely Jessica, an amazing costume designer, came to town to help me out! Her eyes lit up the moment I explained my vision, which, let's be real, had her almost tearing up. We decided to skip the traditional dance wear shops; we wanted to search local boutique owners and seamstresses - who knew there was such talent in this small town? First stop: “The Sewing Centre”, a tiny, colourful shop tucked away on a quiet street in town. Now, let me tell you, this little gem was a revelation! The owner, Betty, is a sweetheart – a seamstress with magic hands and an even greater passion for textiles. It was like she understood my creative spirit right off the bat. We spent hours poring over fabrics - from silky black satin to luxurious velvet. Imagine, velvet as a tutu! Talk about drama! Then, of course, the black tulle - airy, light and it could just whisper and sway with every pirouette! Betty knew exactly what I wanted! The excitement was contagious - even Betty was in on the excitement, even she felt that there was something special in the air. The air crackled with creative energy as we sketched out designs. By the end of the afternoon, the foundation of the new Black Swan tutu began taking shape - a whirlwind of layers and tulle and lace - almost too much to take in! Even the owner's cute dog was sitting on a plush red velvet cushion to witness this tutu making miracle unfold. Oh, how I wished the whole town of Englehart could be there witnessing the birth of the tutu! Maybe they would get to see the unveiling when the final touches are added! I'm not going to lie - Betty’s craftsmanship has inspired me to learn sewing myself. Imagine the beautiful costumes I’d be able to whip up if I had even half the skill! Betty and I then spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about everything - our dreams and aspirations. She mentioned how inspiring it was to witness a big city girl getting in touch with the essence of ballet and taking on this exciting choreographic venture, and the story of a tutu that would become a little legend, all within the walls of a quaint small town in northern Ontario. There's something heartwarming about it, don't you think? So there you have it - another Tutu Tuesday filled with joy, creativity and the magic that can be found anywhere if you're looking for it. And of course, we all know there's no shortage of Tutu inspiration, especially in a small town where passion and creative spirit shine through. Stay tuned, my lovelies - you’ll be hearing about the unveiling of this beautifully handcrafted Black Swan tutu on a future Tutu Tuesday. And then, come to see it at the Canadian Ballet Company of Englehart performance! Trust me, it's going to be an experience you won’t forget! Until then, keep twirling, keep inspiring and remember, #tututuesday is all about sharing that joy - and there’s no wrong way to wear your tutu!
#tututuesday #Englehart #Ontario