
Tutu Tuesday in Kugluktuk, Nunavut: A Northern Ballerina's Tale

Hey everyone, it's your girl, Sasha, back with another #tututuesday post. Today's adventure is a bit different from my usual Vancouver ballet studio life - I'm in Kugluktuk, Nunavut! Yup, that's right, the land of the midnight sun and the aurora borealis!

My journey to the Arctic began with a little invitation from the local community centre. They're starting a ballet program for the youth, and I, being the self-proclaimed ambassador of all things tutu and twirl, couldn't say no. Plus, you know me, a chance to explore new territory and spread the ballet love? I'm in!

I'm going to be honest, packing for this trip was a little different than usual. My usual dance bag filled with sleek black leotards, pink tights and a single pointe shoe had to be traded for layers of thermal wear and a very special, frost-resistant tutu.

Let's talk tutus for a moment. I usually wear a classic romantic tutu, you know the one, a light and airy confection of tulle and a short skirt, perfect for soaring high and embodying that sense of flight. But for this Arctic escapade, I needed something a bit more rugged, yet still elegant.

Luckily, my good friend at the Vancouver Costume Emporium whipped up a stunner for me - a modern tutu made of layers of sturdy, wind-resistant silk and with a layered design. It still evoked the elegance and movement of traditional tutus but was made for battling the elements. It was a dream to wear!

Now, the first ballet class in Kugluktuk! It was an absolute blast! The kids were so enthusiastic, so eager to learn and move. I even had some adorable young girls proudly wearing their own homemade tutus. It was a perfect reminder that ballet is a universal language, even in the harshest climates.

We tackled some basic ballet moves - port de bras, fifth position, and of course, some plies - with extra emphasis on balance given the slickness of the icy floors. We even did a short barre sequence on ice blocks, and let me tell you, those are tougher to stand on than they look!

For the finale, I put together a fun choreographed sequence for them to try. It was a simple piece incorporating jumps and turns, with a sprinkle of theatricality. The whole thing was an absolute hit. I watched them light up as they twirled and leaped, their smiles brighter than the northern lights.

After class, I got to spend some time chatting with the parents. It turns out that bringing ballet to Kugluktuk was a long-held dream. There's so much talent here, just waiting to be unleashed! They're thrilled that there's finally a platform for their kids to explore the artistry and joy of ballet.

So, to my dear friends in the world of ballet, and to anyone out there with a heart for art and a love of adventure - never let geographic borders, or any challenge for that matter, stop you from chasing your passion. Whether you're in a bustling metropolis or a remote outpost in the Arctic, ballet, and the grace it teaches, is a universal language.

Highlights from My #TutuTuesday in Kugluktuk:

  • The absolute best part was seeing the kids' faces light up as they explored the world of ballet. Their passion for dancing was so infectious and heartwarming.
  • I was thrilled with the unique design of my Arctic-ready tutu. It was strong, elegant, and held up beautifully even when things got a bit chilly!
  • It was a beautiful, humbling experience, showcasing that ballet has a place in every community, in every part of the world!

I can't wait to share my next #tututuesday adventure with you. Stay tuned, and always remember - let's dance!