Fulham: Tutu Tuesday Frenzy

Well, my darlings, it's Tutu Tuesday, and the streets of Fulham are buzzing! It's our monthly homage to the fluffy, swirling icon of ballet, and believe me, today was all about tutus.

I love the whole idea of a dedicated day to appreciate tutus, not just for dancers like myself but for anyone who wants to add a touch of fairytale whimsy to their Tuesday.

There was a delightful atmosphere all around, the sunshine beaming down, and a collective sense of playfulness. A family of three, mother in a pretty pink tutu, her son in a tiny black one, the little one trailing behind, totally mesmerised by the magic of the skirt! They brought a smile to my face – I think we all can agree, a tutu is never a bad idea.

I was determined to document the style spectrum. From the classic Romantic tutu – the long, multi-layered design beloved by Tchaikovsky and all the ballerinas from the 1800s – to the more modern variations that designers are bringing out these days.

There's the ultra-sleek 'contemporary tutu' favoured by many choreographers, perfect for showing off intricate turns and leaps. Imagine, all of them, showcasing the athleticism and artistry that's in every ballerina, the perfect blend of strength and elegance. We definitely saw plenty of that! And let's not forget those tutus for ballet classes! So pretty and so very practical - a lovely bit of elegance for an afternoon of pliés.

Here's a run-down of my favourite moments and what was hot on the tutu scene:

  • The ‘Fairy Tutu’. Now, this was the true embodiment of #tututuesday at its finest. Think airy layers, delicate floral patterns – it's just about the most whimsical look, perfectly reflecting the magic of a tutu. We even saw one crafted with actual shimmering silver fabric! Just exquisite.
  • The 'Urban Tutu.' A surprise that came right out of left field – this is the modern-day take on a tutu. One that's practical, for an everyday wearer, think of chic pencil skirts, or skater-style ones, some even paired with black leather jackets! I couldn’t have imagined this until I saw it with my own eyes.
  • The ‘Classics are a Constant.’ Classic ballerina style? Always in. In Fulham we definitely spotted some beautiful tutus: black and white, all about structure and elegance. We also had those brightly colored tutus, with an underlay of tulle, which is a real highlight of the style, so glamorous.
  • ‘All Ages in Tutu Wonderland.’ We saw an amazing amount of little ones embracing #tututuesday - they are absolutely natural in those miniature tutus. You’ve got to hand it to those toddlers in tutus – just amazing, no shyness about the whole thing!

Honestly, seeing a grown man proudly rock a tutu, an elderly couple in matching tutus, it just shows that age is no barrier to embracing your inner ballerina. What I loved most? A group of teens, all decked out in their own style tutus, strutting about with confidence. There was something really inspiring about their freedom.

And what about the shops on Fulham’s main streets? A riot of tulle! It was a pleasure to see shops offering bespoke tutus for everyday wear and for dancing - something I definitely considered. Who wouldn’t want to look absolutely amazing on a Tutu Tuesday?

Here’s a secret for #tututuesday next month. Be inspired. Try a vintage tutu - find an amazing thrift shop and see if you can discover a piece of ballet history. It’s such a rewarding feeling to make a tutu your own and have it represent the elegance of your own personality, don’t you think?

So until next #tututuesday Fulham, keep twirling!