Tutu Tuesday in Royal Tunbridge Wells - It's a Whirlwind of Tutu Love!

Alright, my fellow dance enthusiasts and fashion fanatics, gather round! It's Tutu Tuesday in Royal Tunbridge Wells and I'm practically bursting at the seams with excitement. It's been a while since I've felt this giddy about a day dedicated to the iconic, fluffy, magical tulle that makes our hearts sing. #tututuesday

Let's rewind a bit. Royal Tunbridge Wells, for those of you unfamiliar with this enchanting corner of Kent, is the perfect blend of charm and sophistication. The beautiful, old town has a touch of the classic but always with a stylish edge, and this, my friends, is where Tutu Tuesday truly comes alive.

I’m perched in a corner of a lovely little café called ‘The Buttercup,’ the smell of freshly baked pastries mingling with the scent of freshly brewed coffee. A delightful jazz melody wafts from a vintage record player and I'm surrounded by tutus - well, almost.

This year, Tutu Tuesday has taken on a whole new dimension. From what was initially a casual ‘wear your favourite tutu’ affair, it's now become a mini-festival, celebrating all things tutu - and let me tell you, this festival is as pretty as a ballerina's dream.

The local ballet school, "The Twirling Stars," have pulled out all the stops with a performance of their rendition of the ‘Swan Lake' pas de deux on the town square at lunchtime, watched by delighted locals and tourists alike. The dancers were stunning - a sea of delicate white tutus, fluttering with every graceful move - pure magic.

Now, for the fun part – tutus on the street! And not just your typical, classic ballet tutus (although there were a fair few of those). We had a fabulous mix, ranging from those elegant, bell-shaped designs of a ‘Sleeping Beauty' tutu to the dramatic black tulle of a ‘Don Quixote' costume.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what caught my fashionable eye:

  • The **'Modern Take' Tutu**: This is where the real style statement begins. One shop window was displaying a gorgeous tutu dress in vibrant shades of teal and orange - pure eye candy. Imagine it with a black leather jacket and boots. Boom - chic city style.
  • The **‘Whimsical Wonder’ Tutu**: You just can’t go wrong with a bright, pink tutu. One brave soul rocked it with sparkly wings - pure fantasy. I totally wanted to borrow them.
  • The **‘Classy and Sophisticated' Tutu:** Some prefer a more understated tutu - like a simple black or white number in a longer length. Perfect for an elegant evening out.
  • The **‘Recycled’ Tutu**: A very important category, this is all about sustainability and creativity. We saw some wonderful creations made from repurposed fabric, reminding us to love what we already have and not buy more.

But Tutu Tuesday is more than just gorgeous garments and dazzling performances. It’s about community. It’s about celebrating passion. It’s about letting your inner ballerina fly - and I love it.

Whether you’re a professional dancer or simply a fan of the twirl, I encourage you to find your own Tutu Tuesday experience. It doesn’t have to be on a Tuesday (we don’t make the rules here!), or in Royal Tunbridge Wells (though I highly recommend it!), just do what feels good, dance, wear something fabulous and have a little bit of fun - the world needs more of that!

This Tutu Tuesday will remain in my memories for quite some time. And trust me, it will definitely make it into my ballet-themed scrapbook – another little treasure I will keep close for when I’m feeling a little less sparkly.

#tututuesday #royaltunbridgewells