Tutu Tuesday in Bridgwater: A Celebration of Dance and Style

Bridgwater, you beauty! It’s Tutu Tuesday, and you know what that means… yep, a whirlwind of tulle and twirling around town. Now, you may be thinking, “Tutus in Bridgwater? What’s going on?” Well, darling, let me tell you. It’s not just about the tutu, it’s about the vibe, the confidence, and the celebration of everything dance-inspired.

Forget about those tight, fussy “professional” tutus that restrict movement and have more layers than a Victorian wedding cake. Today is all about the “Free-spirited Tutu.” You know, the ones that scream “I’m going to twirl down the high street, regardless of who’s looking, and feel like a princess (or a swan or a firebird – you get the gist).” And this, my friends, is precisely why Tutu Tuesday is absolutely brilliant.

Now, for the uninitiated, let's get into the nitty-gritty. For your Tuesday treat, Bridgwater embraced a Tutu Tuesday, a brilliant event to celebrate our passion for dance and spread joy to those around us. Imagine: people, of all ages and shapes, stepping out with fabulous tutus - and embracing the day. What a joy! And it wasn’t just about the tutus themselves. There was also a free, fun, all-day ballet workshop in the town square. So many enthusiastic smiles as they all learned to point their toes (mine, thankfully, haven’t totally deserted me), and pirouette (that requires some serious stamina in those little black shoes, you know!), while dressed to the nines in all their glorious tutu finery.

Speaking of the tutus themselves…Oh, my word! I saw the whole spectrum of tutu styles. There were classic ones, of course – the powder-pink, fluffy ones. We had a couple of daring souls rocking the "Badass Tutu", the black one that gives a modern edge to a classically beautiful style. And, of course, you can't have a Tutu Tuesday without the "Statement Tutu" – those were like little art installations! Bold colours, unconventional materials, like silk, feathers, and even plastic… one of them actually had tiny flashing fairy lights around the hem… imagine how much it must have lit up the streets at dusk!

And then, of course, we have the "Just for Fun" tutu – you know, the one you buy for £5 at the seaside and wear purely because it's fun. One of those popped up on a bloke – a big, strong chap with a twinkle in his eye, doing pirouettes with the grace of a five-year-old and the gusto of someone who has had one too many pints of cider. This was just one example – people who might not even have thought of taking a class, or ever really given dancing a thought before… suddenly, there they were, tutu-ed up, and living their best “Let’s be playful” lives! There's nothing quite like a tutu to bring out that sense of joy and carefree energy.

As the sun started to dip, we all ended the day with an "Everybody Dance" session. I'm talking all-out dancing in the middle of Bridgwater – every body, every style, every shape and size just embracing the moment. There was laughter and applause as a woman in her 70s gracefully demonstrated a sequence to a rapt audience and, I must admit, a couple of kids got the applause award after perfecting their first attempts at “La Swan Lake”! The heartwarming feeling from everyone’s infectious happiness really was the perfect note to end on.

So, next time someone tells you about "Tutu Tuesday", don't be surprised, or think it’s a little crazy – think of it as your chance to tap into your inner ballerina (even if that’s just twirling a teacup and taking a bow!)

Until next time, and in the words of the legendary Anna Pavlova, “Never fear to express your wildest dreams, for if you are willing to take a chance on yourself, you are more than capable of achieving your most fervent desires!”

Don't forget to spread the tutu love #tututuesday! Let’s fill Bridgwater with more joyous moments, all in the name of dance and our lovely, beautiful tutus.