
Tutu Tuesday in Bournville

Ok, so itโ€™s Tutu Tuesday! The day when all ballerinas (aspiring or otherwise) wear their tulle with pride and embrace their inner prima! I mean, come on, itโ€™s practically a law in the dance world now! I, for one, will be flaunting it and rocking my tutus all day in Bournville! You can find me at my local coffee shop with a latte in hand and my trusty, old tutu, a beautiful, romantic, vintage romantic tutu (in perfect condition of course)!

To all of you out there who might not have caught onto this lovely tradition โ€“ you haven't missed much โ€“ let me fill you in. Basically, it's a day to flaunt those magnificent, billowing skirts of tulle (because let's face it, there's nothing more feminine and gorgeous!). No, I'm not talking about your everyday tutus, like the ones you would normally see worn in dance classes. Think, the lavish creations that graced the stages of the world's best ballets โ€“ the **Romantic tutu**, like the one worn by Giselle with multiple layers of gauze, soft and floating; the **Classical tutu** - short, full, with more structured lines, a real dramatic, "this is what it's all about" statement (think Swan Lake); or maybe a modern interpretation of the Tutu. A bit more modern in fabric choice, style and length, more form fitting.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "but I'm not a ballerina!โ€ Well, donโ€™t you worry, everyone is welcome to embrace Tutu Tuesday โ€“ and let's face it, it's fun to make a bit of a statement. So whether you're an avid ballet enthusiast or you just love the drama of a voluminous tulle skirt, Tutu Tuesday is a day for celebrating, for having a little fun with fashion. The whole point of this tradition (that I like to think I started! Haha! Not really! I mean there was an article about Tutu Tuesday way before I ever dreamed about becoming a ballerina - it's the dream that made me become a fashion blogger โ€“ a dance-obsessed one!) is to inspire confidence. After all, the most important thing is feeling happy and comfortable with yourself!

So how are you all celebrating Tutu Tuesday? I want to hear about it! Tell me everything โ€“ even the embarrassing stories. For example, that time my best friend almost got caught in her tutu in the wind at Bournville Square - it was a hilarious and near-disastrous moment. Thankfully, a nearby bus shelter saved her from becoming "tutu girlโ€ on YouTube โ€“ so Iโ€™ve heard tell anyway! (If it did happen, no one will admit it now).

Anyways, I can't wait to hear all your Tutu Tuesday stories! Use #Tututuesday in Bournville to let me know how you're marking the occasion!

Here are a few ideas for your day of Tutu:

  • Why not grab your most fabulous tutu and do some serious twirling? Your neighbour's cats will probably think you are batty - but who cares. Just go with it.
  • Have a photoshoot with your friends to celebrate this joyous day!
  • Iโ€™d recommend you use a nice, big floral background โ€“ the kind they always have in Bournville Square for a photo op! Make sure it has nice greenery โ€“ or is it a red, plastic heart for Valentines Day?! Who knows?

Most of all, remember that Tutu Tuesday is a chance to break out of the ordinary and celebrate all the good stuff that makes you happy! It's about the tulle. The excitement of being different. You, your tutu, and Bournville โ€“ enjoy it! I mean who else can wear tulle in an entirely comfortable, unashamed way!

I hope you all have a wonderful Tutu Tuesday and if you're heading to Bournville - I'll be the one twirling at my favorite spot in the Square โ€“ looking totally out of place in my beautiful tulle. I hope to see you!

And letโ€™s not forget โ€“ Iโ€™m off to dance the afternoon away!
