Harrow’s Tutu Tuesday: A Whirlwind of Twirling and Tulle

Oh, the joy! It’s Tutu Tuesday in Harrow and the streets are alive with the sound of fluttering fabric and the twinkle of ballet shoes. From the cobbled alleys of the town centre to the grand avenues of North Harrow, the air is abuzz with the anticipation of a ballet spectacle. For those in the know, Tutu Tuesday is not just a day; it's an experience, a celebration of everything tutus represent: elegance, grace, and just a pinch of whimsy.

I, for one, am never more in my element than when I’m swishing a tutu, my legs elongated and my face turned upwards. My wardrobe has a diverse collection of tutus – we’re talking romantic powder pink tulle for my "Swan Lake" moments, bold, structured black tutus for when I want a touch of drama, and those daring, sassy little skirts that scream 'I'm ready to dance till dawn'. Today, I’ve opted for a classic pale blue confection that, with a single pirouette, morphs from daytime chic to whimsical enchantment.

So where to start on a quintessential Harrow Tutu Tuesday? First stop, The Green Man. You wouldn't expect to find a haven for tutus tucked inside this traditional pub, but there’s something about the creaky floors and old-world charm that makes for a delightful juxtaposition. There, tucked among the well-worn armchairs and wooden tables, you'll find the Tutu Tuesday ‘pop-up’ – a joyous gathering of local artisans displaying a magnificent array of custom tutus.

The owner, Alice, who looks more like a ballet dancer herself than a pub landlady, tells me it started with a few friends sharing their love of tutus and morphed into something bigger than anyone imagined. I see what she means. The Tutuesday crowd here are full of smiles and eager to share their tutu stories.

Next, I meander down Harrow High Street, where the boutique shops are a sight to behold. Imagine window displays bursting with colourful tulle creations; tutus peeking from between cashmere scarves and hats. A few minutes into my browse, I find myself swept away by the allure of "Twirling Treasures," a shop brimming with beautiful fabrics, including exquisite silks, satins, and an abundance of lace and ribbons. The air here is thick with the smell of fabric and hope. Every inch of this charming shop, from the display counters to the corners brimming with lace spools, makes you want to gather materials and whip up your own tutu masterpiece.

If a tutu is meant to be a statement piece, Harrow Library might just be the ideal stage for the grand reveal. The majestic architecture, the calm ambience, and the echoes of silent readers - it's a beautiful space where a tutu is allowed to simply be… the very centre of attention. The library, however, isn’t just a spot to pose for the 'gram - every Tutu Tuesday, they host workshops, encouraging anyone and everyone to design and make their own little masterpiece.

Lunch? We head to The Pasta Place – with its vibrant colours and Italian sunshine vibe, the Pasta Place perfectly complements the playful feel of Tutu Tuesday. The portions are hearty and the food is just right – giving me energy to continue my tour.

But no afternoon in Harrow is complete without a visit to St. Ann’s Church, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture that stands majestically amidst the bustling streets. Stepping inside, you're transported into a space where time slows down. As I twirl between the soaring arches, a feeling of peace settles over me. The beauty of St Ann’s is in the stillness, and the starkness of the interior makes the softness of my tutu, and my movement, even more enchanting. I find myself lost in the quiet grace of the church’s stillness.

My final stop is the historic Harrow School. This iconic school, with its ivy-clad buildings and timeless atmosphere, adds a regal feel to my day. And, what could be more royal than a tutu? I think it's a testament to Harrow’s embrace of creativity that its classrooms can play host to such joyful performances. I've often been impressed with the school’s ability to blend tradition and progressive spirit. The school's students take to Tutu Tuesday like swans to water. Their smiles and unbridled energy give Harrow a unique charms as a backdrop to our playful day.

The day winds down with the sunset casting golden light on Harrow-on-the-Hill. From the summit of Harrow Hill, with its iconic church perched above the town, the vista of twinkling lights below reflects the shimmering tulle of Tutu Tuesday – and, I can't help but think, that's exactly where it belongs: atop Harrow’s majestic perch, twirling in the evening sky.

Tutu Tuesday is so much more than a simple dance day. It's a reminder to wear what makes us happy, embrace whimsy, and celebrate the power of a well-placed tutu to transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary adventure. And if there's a day to do all this, it’s definitely in Harrow, where, for one day each week, everyone is encouraged to ‘let their inner tutu twirl’
