Tutu Tuesday in Cambridge: A Whirlwind of Frills and Frou-Frou

The air crackles with excitement in Cambridge today. It’s not just the students dashing to lectures or the tourists jostling for a glimpse of King’s College Chapel – no, it’s a special kind of buzz, a shimmer of anticipation. It’s Tutu Tuesday!

I love Tuesdays. Why? Because, like clockwork, Cambridge becomes a haven for those of us who worship at the altar of the tulle. It’s a weekly celebration of dance, a reminder that even in the midst of the mundane, a little bit of magic is always possible.

Tutu Tuesday isn’t some grand spectacle, though you might be fooled by the flutter of feathers and the sheer joy swirling around the city. It's a simple, unspoken understanding, a shared passion, a declaration that twirling is always, always, allowed.

For those unfamiliar, Tutu Tuesday started a few years ago, organically. I imagine a few friends in a cafe, sharing stories of dance classes, maybe over a slice of Victoria sponge. Someone, fuelled by an extra shot of espresso, suggests it, and boom – a tradition is born. It’s contagious. Now, everywhere you look, you'll find tutus – a riot of ruffles and frills, a celebration of all things ballet.

So, where to start in this whirl of tulle and grace? First, the styles. You've got the classics: The romantic, flowing *tutu de point*, the airy elegance of a *tutu classique*, the airy, dramatic **tutu de style romantique**. For those seeking something less traditional, there’s always a *tutu à la Francaise*. These are a bit more… *oomph*, featuring layered skirts with tiers of feathers and embellishments – a true spectacle.

Personally, I'm a sucker for the classic, clean lines of a **tutu de point** or a **tutu classique**. Today, I’m wearing my **tutu de point**, crafted from several layers of fine tulle with an embroidered bodice. I feel a queen amongst dancers.

Second, where to experience this tutus-cape? Everywhere and nowhere! Stroll past King’s College and you'll spot a tutu twirling, not on a stage, but on a cobbled street, a splash of colour against the centuries-old stone. Maybe you’ll find a student with a rainbow-hued tutu while munching a baguette in a park, a reflection of youthful exuberance and carefree joy. It’s a charming and delightful juxtaposition, the beauty of ballet embracing the heart of Cambridge.

It's not all about the dance, of course. It’s the sheer sense of fun and connection that makes this tradition so special. We don’t have to be professional ballerinas to enjoy it. We simply have to love dance and appreciate the transformative magic that a tutu brings. Whether we are experienced ballerinas, a student trying on their first tutu, or just a casual observer with a touch of nostalgia in our hearts, Tutu Tuesday belongs to us all.

So, if you find yourself in Cambridge on a Tuesday, be prepared. It’s an experience best embraced. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with the child within us, a reminder to live, laugh, and leap, and yes, maybe twirl just a little bit.

Where to find Tutu Tuesday inspiration

  • The Cambridge Ballet School (website: cambridgeballet.co.uk). An iconic institution. They’ve got an impressive list of tutu-wearing alumni, who've inspired the city’s dance scene and fuelled its spirit.
  • The Cambridge Arts Theatre (website: cambridgeartstheatre.com) . Check their event listings and you'll discover some magical performances, maybe even one with a captivating tutu or two. You'll be enthralled and inspired in no time.

Tutu Tuesday isn’t a trend; it's a statement. It’s a reminder that the most elegant moments often occur in the most unexpected places. And that sometimes, all it takes to brighten your day, and your mood, is to spin a little and let the world whirl around you. And in this case, embrace your inner ballerinas.

I'll be looking for you there. Just watch for a **tutu de point**, a flash of colour amidst the crowds of Cambridge.

See you on Tutu Tuesday! And don’t forget to post your tutu pics on social media, using the hashtag #tututuesday #tututuesday

Until next week, dancers, stay fashionable!

