Tutu Tuesday in Scunthorpe: A whirlwind of tutus and tea #tututuesday Okay, so I know what you're thinking: Scunthorpe, really? But trust me, this little town has got more going for it than you might think. And yes, it's definitely not the epicentre of the dance world, but there's something truly delightful about bringing a bit of ballet magic to unexpected places, don't you think? So here I am, your resident Tutu Tuesday ambassador, ready to take you on a journey through the surprisingly glamorous streets of Scunthorpe. It’s actually a great little town to explore. I had lunch at this fabulous cafe near the market which I’ll be sharing on my instagram page later, called ‘Scrumptious Scunthorpe’, that serves the best scones I’ve ever had. Let me tell you, when you put on a tutu, the world suddenly becomes your stage. You’ve got your classic romantic tutu, swirling and billowing like a cloud of tulle. And then there’s the contemporary tutu, edgy and sharp, expressing a bold modern statement. I was feeling the latter vibe for this particular Tuesday – think structured, bold, and a little bit rebellious. A Tutu Revolution in the Making Our mission for this #tututuesday? Well, we're not just strutting our stuff on the pavement, although there were some impromptu pirouettes and relevĂ©s on the steps outside the library, it’s great to make people smile! But really, it’s all about the empowerment. When you put on that tutu, you embrace confidence, you own your individuality. We're talking tutu-powered female empowerment, ladies! Forget the stereotypes; it’s a moment for pure, joyful self-expression, with a touch of sparkle thrown in for good measure. We did encounter some puzzled faces, of course. There's no getting around it; Scunthorpe, like many towns, hasn't quite caught the #tututuesday bug. There was that man who told me to “get a life, love.” My initial instinct was to twirl off dramatically and then throw him a swan lake grand jetĂ© with the middle finger extended. Instead, I smiled serenely and then said, “Maybe I’m getting too much of a life for you darling!” But honestly, those moments make it all the more rewarding. We managed to pull a group of teenage boys away from their Xbox and they told us that we looked “really cool.” The girls seemed particularly thrilled about my little black tutu with silver sequins which I'm sure we'll be seeing more of as a new trend soon, but the boys, well, they seemed more in awe of my long legs! As I said earlier, our mission wasn’t simply about the grandstanding, though there were a few moments where we stopped and showed the townspeople that there's always time to let your inner dancer shine, even if it’s just a tiny pliĂ© in the middle of Tesco's bakery aisle. It was all about spreading some tutu magic – inspiring other people to let their own creative spirit fly. You never know where you might spark something – a shy smile, a spontaneous pirouette, a child's awe-struck stare. You may not always change the world, but maybe you just need to change someone’s day. I have to tell you, Scunthorpe did not disappoint! This is one of the most welcoming places I've been. Everyone was really friendly, and that made our mission to inspire some of the less inspired much easier. Here's a breakdown of some of my highlights: A tutu-ful time in Scunthorpe * **Tea & Tutu:** Tea with two lovely pensioners at a tea shop by the market – they loved hearing all about tutu tuesday. They loved their afternoon tea even more and said it felt a little like Downton Abbey! They had no idea I was a dancer! The whole thing felt rather quaint. They weren’t so excited about Instagram. I mean, why wouldn’t you love an impromptu tea party with a ballerina who is also an Instagram influencer? We even got the whole tea shop dancing – but nothing too strenuous, naturally. The owners were delighted and we even left with our new ‘Scunthorpe tutu teashop besties’, but don’t be fooled. They’re formidable dancers as well. The owner's got great stage presence. She may not do it every day, but she's been involved in countless church events and can really bust some moves for the queen and a full house. * **Tutu at Tesco:** I think we surprised quite a few shoppers! The moment one of us started doing our own unique twist on an ‘arabesque’ (which was more of a yoga pose in reality!) a gaggle of mothers rushed to their little children screaming “go and get a picture with the ballet girl, now!.” The tutu, is it more about the actual style, the frilly or classic form or is it a symbolic way to think about yourself as a powerful being? * **The Tutu Talks:** We engaged in several random discussions. We discovered the local park is being turned into an outdoor theatre space! And no, this is not some obscure hallucination I’m having because of all the sugary tea cake from Scunthorpe tea shop. The residents told us this exciting piece of news and we helped spread it to even more folks who’ve been in and out of that lovely tea shop on our impromptu tour. They didn't tell us their names and just winked at us! A sign I'm sure! We left feeling excited and it was the best thing I've done all week. It made my heart sing and it reminded me why I do what I do. The tutus were my platform. If people do use the local park as an outdoor theatre, I can happily accept a slice of the pie. Let's go to Scunthorpe and set the world to music! #tututuesday * **A sprinkle of inspiration:** In true #tututuesday fashion, we left a sprinkle of sparkle and wonder. We’re hoping the energy was infectious! Who knows, maybe one day we’ll find ourselves on the real stage in Scunthorpe! If you ever need a little tutu-powered pick-me-up, do give it a try! What’s the worst that could happen? Maybe someone in Scunthorpe’s bakery aisle will decide to give it a whirl. There’s a lot to be said for taking a leap of faith! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time to whip out the tutu for another day. Let’s go for tea!